Chapter 14: The Moon Nexus

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The Moon Nexus kept the way it was—pristine and still full of wildlife. Lujanne led them to a table. "Dinner is served!" Lain gulped as Lujanne tried to force a spoon of grub down his throat. "We won't be eating that." Tiadrin said. "Sorry, Lujanne."

Lujanne sighs. "It's alright. I just don't know how to make food."

Lain smiled. "Leave that to me. Do you have any idea if there's any ruby potatoes around here?"

Lujanne thinks to herself. "Around the bush, I think."

Tiadrin runs to the back of the bushes, gathering anything she can find. After what seems like ages, she hands the sack of food to Lain. "You've outdone yourself, Tiadrin." Lain chuckled. He took some logs to create a campfire, and took out a stone pot from a room. He added some potatoes and starfruits with water, which created a soup. After a while of mixing, Tiadrin realised he was going to add his secret ingredient: moonberries.

Lain smiled and presented the bowl of soup to Lujanne, who looked like she was going cry of happiness. "Thank you." she said. They sat down and had the soup. When Lain left for some rest, she decided to tell Lujanne. "Lujanne." she said, catching her attention. "Yes, Tia?"

She hated it when her grandmother called her Tia.

"I wanted to tell you something. Something about Rayla." she started.

"I did see that she wasn't here." Lujanne said.

"We went to visit Crescent Lake, and whilst we were coming here Rayla was captured. She can't be reborn because she is not of age yet. I've lost her."

"No you haven't."

Tiadrin looked up.

"She will return. It is the way of the phoenixes. She will return eventually, don't worry, little one." Lujanne assured her. "Just at the right time."

Tiadrin thought about what she said. Reassuring herself, she fell asleep.

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The next morning came early, and Tiadrin walked Lain around the place.

"And here is the ruins of the Moonhenge itself. It was destroyed by the ancient druids when the war came." Tiadrin explained.

"So this is the legend of the Moonhenge?" Lain asked.

"Yes. Not as magical as it sounds now isn't it?" Tiadrin said.

"I think it's still possible to open the portal, but it is against your grandmother's wishes. I agree that this place should be closed. And now that I think about it, it makes sense how this lake, this place was the original village of Crescent Lake. The lake itself reflects the moon ever so perfectly, and it astonishes me it still does after a thousand years." Lain said.

Tiadrin nodded. She felt so connected to the Moon Nexus and it's magic.

But soon, they had to take their leave.

"I'm afraid we must go. My sister will be waiting for her mount." Lain said.

"Don't worry. You can come back another time." Lujanne said warmly. "Goodbye, Tia. And Lain, take care of her for me."

"I will." Lain smiles.

If only they knew tragedy awaited them at the very place they called home... 

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