We got out of school 3 hours ago and it was time for me to get ready for my date. I showered, did my curly hair routine, skin care routine and everything I did in the morning over again. Wait. Why in the fuck am I doing all of this just to eat dinner with a boy? A BOY.
I finished my makeup and put on my outfit, it looked exactly how I pictured it. After that, I sprayed on my perfume and grabbed my purse to walk downstairs. There my mom and dad were, waiting for me at the end of the stairs.
"Hi mom, Hey dad." I furrowed my eyebrows a bit, wondering why they were there. "Have fun!" My mom kissed me on the forehead and gave me a small hug. My dad nodded his head as we all heard James pull up in our driveway.
I hoped James would come to the door, my dad was all about respect and if he just beeped the horn for me to come outside and not greet my mom and father, it'd be a red flag for my dad. Luckily for me, we heard the doorbell ring not long after.
My dad walked me to the door and opened it. "Good evening, son." My dad shook James's hand. "Good evening to you too, sir." James smiled. "I'll cut to the chase. I want her back home by no later than 10:30, in one piece and as happy as she can be, got it? Eyes on the road. Don't touch her, it's only the first date. I trust that you will treat her like the fine young lady she is, and If I find out otherwise... well I'm afraid you'll just have to figure that out, son. I'm confident you won't."
I clear my throat, "Dad."
He looks at James who is stiff as ever. I can hear my mom chuckle a little in the background. Yet he said, 'Yes sir.' and took my hand, saying goodbye to my mother and father.
"Sorry about my dad, I've never dated before." I apologized.
"No, no, he's uh... charming." With that, we both laugh and head to the fancy restaurant.
"So, he legit stole your bike?" I ask, interested in James's story about his elder brother stealing his bike to go to a girl's house. "Yep. Thought I lost it and my dad grounded me for 2 weeks, but then they found out my brother snuck out and he got grounded for longer." James took a sip of his water, starring at my chest.
I clear my throat. "So, you said we dated before I lost my memory?" I ask, trying not to pay too much attention to it. "Ah, yes, we really liked each other. But we weren't quite a couple because your-"
"Good afternoon! I'm Jen and I will be serving you two today, what can I get for you to drink?" The waitress interrupted and batted her long eyelashes. James sighed, sounding a little annoyed, but I didn't mind her interrupting. I smile back, "Oh, of course. Do you guys have pink lemonade?"
"Um, yes ma'am we do." Jen replied. "May I have that please, and he would like a sprite?" I looked at him to confirm and he shook his head with a fake smile. "Alrighty then, it'll be right out for you, go ahead and decide what you want from the menu if you haven't already, and I'll be back shortly!" The waitress walked away.
"You were saying?" I ask, looking back at James.
"Oh, nothing." He smiled, leaning back in his chair and switched the conversation. It was surprisingly a deep conversation. We talked about today's society and how men are dicks. Definitely did not expect him to agree with most of my opinions, but he did, which was a huge, good sign for me.
We've been sitting for a while, eating and lost in conversation. I was enjoying myself, he's a really sweet guy and I'm glad I gave him another chance. But, like I said, we've been lost in conversation, and little did we both know, it was 9:30.
"Shit, Loel, look at the time!" James said to me after looking at his phone. Originally, he was about to show me a few pictures he took of the sunset, but of course we had no time for that now. "Crap, um. Excuse me! Jen! We need our check please." I said as soon as I saw her walking back from another table.
"Mhm, sure!" She said immediately and quickened her pace. I like Jen, she's really nice and pretty. "Isn't she so nice?" I ask James. "Is this a trick?" He asks with his eyes squinted at me, waiting for me to attack him. "What? No! I just think she's pretty."
"Well then I do too. Wait, you're bisexual, right?"
"Oh uh... yes? I hope there's no problem with that." I say with a concerned face.
"Oh yeah, no there isn't, I was just asking."
"Good because If you had a problem with it, I would snap your neck off." I gave him a warm smile after practically threatening him. His horrified face made me chuckle deeply. I'm not crazy, I just like when boys aren't dominant. Bending the expected is so intriguing.
"Alright, here you guys are, have a wonderful day!" Jen said, walking away to fulfil her other duties. I picked up the check just to see how much it was and found a number on the bottom.
*** *** **** I know that must be your boyfriend, but I just want to be friends. Text me if you want, I understand if you don't! I love your accent by the way :)
Her handwriting is adorable. "Hey, she gave me her number. She just wants to be friends and I'm also interested in being friends with her. I'm not asking you if you're ok with it, I'm telling you, so you don't find out later and get mad." I say, pulling out my phone and typing down her number.
And guess what? When I got home, my dad didn't fuss at James, instead he asked me if I had fun and when I said yes I guess he didn't care about the fact that I was late anymore. Granted, I was only 10 minutes past curfew, so I don't think they could have gotten too mad anyway.

Lost Connections
Teen FictionAlex spent most of her life crushing on her best friend of 14 years. She hid it most of the time and tried not to be obvious, but the night she finally confessed, everything went downhill. Her best friend doesn't even know her name anymore. And now...