I couldn't sleep. And I honestly didn't want to come to school because of my lack of sleep. My date with James was awkward, since I didn't know what was going on. But now I'm in Mr. Bradly's class. Alex's seat is empty. She must have really been hurt. I feel so bad. We've barely been hanging out since I've been out of the hospital. I've been with James. She probably thinks I'm horrible.
The bell rung and I was walking by myself in the hallway, I saw the girl that was with Alex the other day and was going to confront her before my boyfriend came up to me. "Hey baby, you haven't spoken to me all morning, is everything alright?"
"Yep." I said trying to get around him. "Hey, hey" He stopped me again. "Can you move please. We can talk later." I stormed passed him and tried to catch up with her.
"Hey! Wait!" I called out, now running behind her. Was she walking faster to avoid me? "What?" She finally stopped and turned to face me. I caught up and looked her in the eyes. They were hazel and hooded by her glasses, she had brown hair that was put up into a messy bun. She wore a tight shirt and sweatpants.
"I- um. Is Alex, ok?" I ask, I didn't actually have something planned out to say. I just need answers. "Yeah. She's fine." She looked me up and down, "Stayed at my house." She looked me in the eye. "That it?"
"What's your problem with me?"
"Oh me? I don't have a problem with you. How could I? You're so perfect." Her tone was sarcastic and annoyed, she flashed me a fake smile and walked away. They must be friends, she's probably just looking out for her?
I decided to leave the school for lunch and talk to Jen. Starbucks had become our usual spot to meet up and talk or just hang out in general. She would always be there for me when I needed her, but come to think of it... I know nothing about her.
"Hi, thanks for meeting me again." I say, walking out of Starbucks with a pink drink. "No worries! I love seeing you." She smiled. We stayed silent for a bit.
"Hey are you ok? You seem off..." She rubbed my hand a little and I let out a big sigh. "Not in the slightest. Everything is so confusing, I wish my memories would just magically reappear." I complained.
"Well what's going on?" She asked genuinely concerned. "Basically my boyfriend asked me to be my boyfriend a few days ago and Alex, the girl I was trying to find out about saw and looked disappointed and left with a girl. I think she's my girlfriend because even before that she always seemed to be upset that me and James were a thing so Im scared that im cheating on her or something. And I stopped talking to James and he knows im upset but I don't know if I should even be mad at him because I don't know if Alex is my girlfriend or not!"
"Do you like Alex?" Jen asked.
"Y-yeah but I don't think I like her in that way which is why I want to get my memories back so that I know exactly what I felt for her. Or what I should feel for her if it weren't for my memory loss. I want to talk to her."
"Then do that. She'll understand. Ask her what you two used to be and go from there... she can't blame you if you lost your memory, right?"
"I guess so..."
"See? You'll be fine." She gave me a reassuring smile and slowly rose from her chair. "I've got to go to work now, but update me alright?"
"Mhm." I nodded. She started to walk away, so I stopped her. "But I was hoping we could talk more about you next time." I smiled a little as she turned.
"I'd love that."
Today is no better. I'm still barely paying attention in class, worried about the wrong things at the wrong time. I have a little more hope that Alex will be at school today so I can talk to her.
Boop boop. "Good afternoon students, I ask that all Juniors and Seniors that are in any club to stay after school for a meeting. Again, Juniors and Seniors stay after school for a club meeting, thank you." Boop Boop.
I really don't have the motivation to stay at school longer than I have to, but whatever.
"Oh hey! Braydon!" I called out. "Hm?" He turned a little and rose his eyebrows. "Is Alex here today?"
"Yeah. Also, whatever game you're playing... being suddenly interested in her and all, it's not funny, and if you don't have a serious motive and you're just fucking around. Save it, she doesn't need that right now." He said randomly, getting defensive as he spoke.
I let out a sigh and walk off. I definitely cheated on her. Everyone she knows is giving me complete shit and it's because I believed James when he told me we were a thing! How could I be so stupid? I didn't even investigate and ask around... I just believed him.
Then it hit me. Why hadn't I done a general search on any of them? My phone wasn't wiped... and I'm sure I have pictures in my phone and texts messages laying around fucking teasing me because I've been walking around like an idiot not knowing anyone when I could have figured all this out from the beginning by just going through my damn phone.
After the school day was over and everyone was waiting to be called for the club meeting, I realized I hadn't seen James anywhere today. Well in the hallways, but he never tried to bother me like he did before. I wonder if he knows anything?
Finally we were called to the meeting and almost everyone was there. Alex, James, Braydon, and some other people I'd seen in the hallways maybe once or twice.
The teacher began explaining updates about the year book and year plans since that's what this club was based off of. No one got to pick to be in this club, they pick you because of grades and attendance and things.
As soon as Alex caught my eye, she got up and left while the teachers back was towards us. I scoff a little and go after her without thinking.

Lost Connections
Roman pour AdolescentsAlex spent most of her life crushing on her best friend of 14 years. She hid it most of the time and tried not to be obvious, but the night she finally confessed, everything went downhill. Her best friend doesn't even know her name anymore. And now...