"Ugh." I groan into my pillow. I've been trying to fall asleep for hours, but I can't! I was so sleepy when James was driving me home and then it just faded!
I take a deep breath, finally giving up. I walked slowly down the stairs to my kitchen. Maybe I'm hungry? My phone lit up in the corner of my eye and for some reason I thought about texting Jen, so I did.
Me: Hello!
Jen: Hi! I'm sorry that I have to ask but who is this?
Me: Loel, you gave me your number that night me and my date had dinner :)
Jen: Oh hi! I didn't think you'd text me 😅
Me: Welp, here we are.
I smiled at my phone.
Jen: yeah, we are
Me: tell me a little about yourself?
Jen: Alright! I work at a restaurant as you know. I'm 19 and I live with my brother, um, what about you?
Me: I'm 17, but my birthday is coming up
Jen: When's your birthday?
Me: January 15th.
Jen: Noted :)
Me: Oh, and I was recently hospitalized after a car accident. I now suffer from temporary memory loss.
Jen: Holy shit. Must be weird to walk around with some people knowing you and you know nothing about them. Kinda like you're starting fresh and new, except it only looks like that to you and not others.
Me: That's exactly how I think about it.
Jen: Ever tried to remember anyone?
Me: There's this person that claims to be my boyfriend, but we're only talking for now since I don't really know. And there is this person who claims to be my best friend, well... she kind of did. In the hospital, she was the first person I saw when I woke up. She started to say 'best' but Braydon cut her off. I never looked into it though.
Jen: Ah! You should, that sounds so interesting... I wonder why he doesn't want you to know?
I read out her message in my mind. She isn't wrong. Why wouldn't he let her finish her sentence? I should know who she is to me, right? She always seems like she knows so much about me. Maybe she is my best friend? God now I'm curious.
Me: Well now you have me interested. I should ask him about it.
Jen: You should!
Me and Jen ended up talking all night. Our conversation had ended at 6 since we both figured we needed to go to sleep. We even planned to meet up today at Starbucks after I confront Braydon. I'm so excited about it! It's like some mystery. Jen just opened a new thought in my mind that helps me figure out my life and I'm so grateful for it.
I don't know what time it is, but the sun is really fucking bright, so I decide to get up and get ready to confront him. "It's Saturdayyyy!!" I heard my mom yell from downstairs, as she stretched her words, the noise was becoming louder, meaning that she would barge into my room right about... now.
Just as I thought. The door flung open and there stood my mom, holding two pretty dresses. "Which one for me and your father's date night?" She practically shouted in excitement. I sat up pointed sleepily at the dress in her right hand and fell back into my pillow. "Oh, come on, darling, It's 1:00. Don't you have plans or something? You can't possibly stay in bed all day."
"I'm getting up, I'm just tired." I groan.
"Well, those are the consequences for staying up until 6 in the morning, are they not?" Her british accent was thick as she judged my last night decisions."
"How did you even-"
"I'm mom, I know everything that goes on in my house." She said confidently, shutting the door behind her.
It took me 40 minutes to get ready because of how sleepy I was. I put my hair in a messy bun with bangs in the front, I wore a navy-blue hoodie with all the characters from space jam and some baggy jeans that were folded at the ankle. I quickly put on my air forces and walked out of the house, pulling out my phone.
Me: Where are you?
Braydon: Don't ask a random question like that and expect a blunt answer.
Me: I want to meet up so we can talk.
Braydon: Ah. We can meet up at the gas station beside the school.
Me: Ok, perfect. Be there in 10.
I put up my phone and got in my car. It's cold as hell outside. A few minutes later, I pull up beside his black truck. He was leaning against it, smoking.
"Hey!" I said, getting out of my car with my hands in my hoodie pocket.
"Hello." He replied, letting out smoke. It looks cool. "So, what did you want to talk about?"
"Oh, right. Um, you obviously know Alex, right?"
"What was she to me? You know, before I lost my memory?" I ask, becoming less confident he'll answer when his expression started to change. "Don't know. She never talked about you." Did he just lie? That's such a stupid lie. "Aren't we a group thing?" I ask, getting suspicious. WHY DOESN'T HE WANT TO TELL ME?
"Yes, but we only talk about you when we're talking about the group."
"Welp." He shrugged. UGH. Welp??? That's it?!
I tried to look more intimidating, hoping he'd take me seriously. "Just tell me." I say in a demanding voice. He held back his urge to laugh and put his cigarette back in his mouth just to take it out again to let out another breath of smoke. "If you want to know, ask her, It isn't my place to tell you." He dropped the cigarette and stepped on it, picking it up after and putting it in the nearest trash can. When he got back to his truck, he got in it, telling me bye and leaving.
"Can you believe that guy??" I complained to Jen on the phone, "I mean! He just... UGH!" Her laugh surrounded my car, my phone was connected to the car. "You say you guys are in a group, right? Maybe ask someone else in the group?" She suggested.
"I could, but what if I regret asking because of the answer I get? Maybe it's best if I don't know?"
"If you think that's best for you then let her tell you on your own. She will eventually since she wanted to tell you the day you woke up, right?"
"Yeah. You're right. I'll just wait for her to tell me herself when she's ready."
"Good!" I could feel her smile. "Well, I'm on my way to Starbucks... see you there?" I say, clearing the silence.
"Yep! Just pulling up." She said, and I heard her lever switch to park. "Great!"

Lost Connections
Teen FictionAlex spent most of her life crushing on her best friend of 14 years. She hid it most of the time and tried not to be obvious, but the night she finally confessed, everything went downhill. Her best friend doesn't even know her name anymore. And now...