"Alright! Now that everyone has seen their cabin roomates, the cabin number is on the top of the page, please report to your cabin and get settled, we meet at the camp fire by 5:00. There is a guard at every cabin, If you need help with finding the camp fire, they will be available to help you."
Me and Braydon did our handshake and parted ways. I'm becoming way closer to him, It wasn't expected, but it's amazing to me. He's a really great friend once you get to know him. The girls headed in one direction and boys headed in the other. "Bummed I didn't get to be in a cabin with you." Loel said as she approached me.
"Yeah. I mean, we'll still see each other and stuff so it won' t be that bad. "Yeah, I guess." She sighed softly. Surprisingly we were already faced with cabins, they were medium size, which was perfect for me. We looked at the top of the cabins that had a number on it. My cabin number was 3. So I walked to it.
The guard was standing at the door as if he was a statue. It was kind of creepy If I'm being completely honest. I walked in nonetheless and picked the bed furthest in the corner. There were 3 regular twin beds and a bunk bed. The bed was surprisingly comfortable. But I wasn't unpacking, I was planning on just chilling here on my phone until 5 when we're supposed to meet up.
The rest of them walked in not long after me. I'm guessing it was Amber who got the bed next to me since I don't recognize her face. She had dark brown hair, her eyebrows were perfectly arched. She had hazel eyes and a few beauty marks on the corner of her mouth and near her eyebrow. I could tell her hair was pretty long. She had it in a messy bun.
She took her head phones out when she say me looking. "Hello, I'm Amber." She smiled. "Oh, uh, hi? Sorry for staring, I just haven't seen you around." I say, sitting up in my bed. She walks over to me and sits beside me, her sent was strong, vanilla bean.
"Yep, totally welcome to sit in my bed." I said sarcastically with a reassuring smile. "Why thank you, I appreciate it." She said, shaking her head with a small smile.
"Whatever you're listening to is really fucking loud." I commented, I could have sworn I saw her headphones vibrate. "Oh, it is." She said, putting it closer to my ear. The song was very familiar to me. It was my favorite. "You've got good taste. I'm Alex by the way." I said with the music playing in my ear. We listened to other songs until 5.
"Now that everyone has made it back and has hopefully unpacked there things, we will get started on tours." Lizzy began explaining the rules. "As stated before, you all will be traveling with your cabin group. There are different trails to choose from and since 12 cabins have been filled, you all will travel with another cabin. There are 4 trails, meaning 3 cabins combined will go on each trail. Got it?"
She could have explained it better, but we all know our math. "Mhm." everyone harmonized. She called out regular cabins that were combined together. Surprisingly they mixed boys with girls, so Braydon was now traveling with me. I'm happy about that. I'm sure I would have been fine with Amber, but Shell would want to walk with me, and shes so annoying when it's only us two.
After sorting, we all went on our trails. "I hate being outside." Shell complained. "Then why'd you come on this trip?" Braydon said in utter annoyance. "Because, no school, duh." She said as if that's why everyone was on the trip. Granted, I'm here because I don't want to do school work either and also because I have nothing else to do with my life. I've always camped and fished with my father when I was young.
"Need spray?" Amber asked, handing it to me after noticing me swat away mosquitos. "Thanks." I took it and sprayed it on me. When I looked back up she was staring at my hair that I had cut recently. It's down to the bottom of my ears, but that wasn't the point.
"What?" I looked at her confused. "You um. Theres something in your hair..."
I became stiff. "Something like what?" I said, a little fear hinting in my voice. She started laughing and took out a camera and took a picture of me, then showed it to me afterwards. "It's just a leaf."
"Oh, you think that's funny?"
"I'm laughing, aren't I?"
"Tch." I pause, "Why do you have a random camera on you?"
"I like to take pictures of the nature around me. I could show you some when we get back to the cabins."
"Oh ok!" I say and we continue to walk and catch up with the group.
"I'm sorry about your best friend by the way. The tea page is fucking brutal."
"Why? Didn't it say I'm the reason it happened?" I said defensively, getting angry at the thought of James blaming me for their accident and not him who was fucking driving the car.
"I don't really belive that. James is an ass. And you seem like a chill person."
"Plus the story doesn't make any sense."
"I know, I can't even believe he has the whole school fooled." I roll my eyes. By the time I was finished talking, we were caught up with the group.
"You going to the campfire tonight?" Shell asked, walking over to my bed then plopped once she got there.
"Eh... it sounds boring. I'm not too into icebreaker games." I say with a shrug. Knowing my school, some people might meet up at the camp fire after it's over with so they can play some drinking game. "WHAAAAT? Don't you know about the after party?" She winked with a smirk.
Called it. "You idiots do know that having a party is the dumbest thing they coul-" she cut me off. "No, no, not an actual party. We're playing spend the bottle. You're totally playing, you always skip out on it!"
"Well because I don't want a random person to be my first kiss!" That was louder than expected. "You've never kissed anyone?" Amber chipped in, taking of her earbuds as she spoke.
"...No." I said sternly. I'm not proud of it and also not ashamed of it. I'm only 17, I'm not rushing. And for some weird reason I was just checked out, I felt myself smile a little. Amber smiled back.
"Come out today, I'll make it worth your while." She said, putting her ear buds back in her ear and going back to what she was doing on her phone.

Lost Connections
Teen FictionAlex spent most of her life crushing on her best friend of 14 years. She hid it most of the time and tried not to be obvious, but the night she finally confessed, everything went downhill. Her best friend doesn't even know her name anymore. And now...