Chapter 7

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Artemis' P.O.V.

"You can't leave me again!" I attached myself to Kai's leg. "Don't leave me in hell!"

Kai laughed in amusement, "Your home is not hell."

"It is when you're not here." I was being extra nice so she'd let me tag along

"Only if you actually play. Ney told me that you kind of gave that up." Kai placed her hands on her hips

I stood up and faced her.

"Well." I rubbed the back of my neck. "I have reasons as to why I quit."

"And you'll tell me why soon." She grabbed her bag

"I'd rather not." I muttered

"What was that?" She asked

"Nothing!" I said quickly. "Now can I please go?" I pleaded

I don't want to be home with my step-monster. She's going to want me to bond with her and go out and. . . nope that's not happening.

"Get your gear." She pointed up the stairs. "I'll be in the car."

"But you can't drive you do-"

"Does it look like I care?" She raised an eyebrow

I smirked, "My badness is rubbing onto you."

She rolled her eyes, "Get your things before I leave you."

My eyes went wide and I quickly ran up to my room. I grabbed my bag and placed my old cleats, my shorts, and my shin guards. I opened my drawer and saw my old jersey from Santos. When dad sent me to Brazil, he managed to get the coach from Santos to watch me play. He took a liking to me and I played for the youth team for five years. That is until I moved back to Barcelona. I found out about Kol and Kai playing for Bayern. I've seen Kai play and-I rather not say anything.

I put my jersey inside my bag and headed downstairs. I got into the car and Kai drove off.

"Where we going?" I asked her

"Camp Nou. I'm meeting some friends there so we can play a game." She didn't take her eyes off of the road

"I left my ID!" I shouted

"I got it." She handed it to me

"How?" I asked dumbfounded

"Your father gave it to me." She shrugged

"What else did he give you?" I narrowed my eyes at her

She stayed quiet.

"Fine don't tell me." I crossed my arms over my chest. I'm acting like a child.

We finally arrived to Camp Nou. I saw a bunch of guys standing by the entrance. Kai smiled and got out of the car once she parked the car.

"Come on." She told me

She walked over to the guys and I stood behind her.

"Hey Jack." Kai hugged this Jack guy

She then hugged another guy named Aaron then another guy named Alex.

The Jack guy introduced her to the other guys and I noticed French David Beckham staring at Kai. I smirked. He really likes her and I will get them together.

"Guys this is my little sister, Artemis." Kai introduced me to everyone

I waved proudly. She just called me her little sister. I'm dying from the inside now.

"Let's head in now." Kai motioned everyone to follow her

I stayed behind to speak with French David Beckham.

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