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Kai's P.O.V.

The twins are almost two years old. I can't believe time flew by so quick.

I remember my mother's death on the pitch like if it were yesterday. Now she's happily married to the man she fell in love with. The man who helped her conquer her fears. The man she had Mason and Artemis with.


I'm happy that she's happy. She moved back to Barcelona with Neymar and you wouldn't believe the media explosion that happened when they found out she's alive and the fact that she has a twin sister.

"Guys come on, we have to go watch daddy's game." I rush the twins out of my room

"Be careful mommy. No hurt the baby." Silas says as he walks in front of Jade.

(Picture on the side -->)

Olivier and I expecting another baby. I'm 20 weeks pregnant with either a baby girl or boy. It's a surprise again. So the nursery is neutral colors.

"I will." I replied back to him

I walked behind the twins as we exit our house. I took each of their hands and made my way over to the car waiting for us with our personal driver/body guard for the kids, Henry.

"Good afternoon, Henry." I greeted

"Good afternoon, Ms. Müller."

"Uncle Henry!" The twins shouted as they ran up to him

The kids absolutely love Henry. They love him so much that they call him uncle Henry.

"Hey kiddos. Time to go to the game and watch daddy play."

The kids smile in excitement and got into the car. Henry strapped Jade in while I strapped Silas. I stayed in the back with the kids as Henry drove to the stadium.

We arrived and there was a big crowd. Henry helped me out with Jade. I got Silas out and when he spotted Jade, he grabbed her hand. These two are inseparable. They walked in front of me while Henry walked by my side to make sure nothing happened to either me nor the twins.

"Hi!" The twins waved at the crowd of fans

I couldn't help but smile. They are adorable. When inside the stadium, we went to the box to take our seats. There we saw my whole family. Kai was with her long time boyfriend, Aiden. Mason was with Juliana and their only child, Luna. Kol was with his longtime girlfriend, Katerina Piquè, and their five month old son, Kasper. Davi was with his kids. My mom was with Neymar. Gerard was with Shakira. Milan was with his girlfriend. Same goes with Daniel. Sasha was with his girlfriend, Melanie Bartra. Marc was with Melissa. Marco was with his girlfriend. Ana was with Sergio. Sergio Jr was with his girlfriend. Olivier's parents were there was well.

Let's just say that the Giroud's, Bartra's, Piqué's, Müller's, and the da Silva's took over the box.

We all sat down and watched the game in peace. The twins were banging on the glass hopping that their father would make a goal and when he did, everyone in the box went ballistic. I watched as Olivier placed the football under his jersey and sucked both thumbs. He pointed up at the box and I smiled. He revealed to the world that I am yet again pregnant.

Well the fans began to suspect something since I didn't play when the League started a month ago.

After the birth of the twins, I transferred from Bayern to Arsenal to play with Olivier and live as a happy family in London.

After the game ended, the whole family and I went down to congratulate Arsenal on their big win. The twins ran to their father's side. He picked both of them up and kissed both of them. He then made his way over to me and kissed me.

"Great game, babe."

"Thank you." He kissed me on more time before putting the twins down.

Aaron came up to Olivier with a microphone.

"Hello everyone." Olivier waved to the stadium. "Thank you all for coming to watch the game. It means a lot to both teams. But I have a surprise for Kai."

I looked at him confused. I then turned around to see my family standing all together with either their phones or camera's out.

"Kai I meet you four years ago, at a car wash charity in Barcelona. I saw how you were surrounded by a bunch of guys who I learned were actually your family. I'm not going to lie. I was jealous. I envied them until I got the courage to talk to you. Our life is a rollercoaster." He chuckles. "I've experienced things that no other can say they did with their partner. We have two beautiful kids together, Jade and Silas. We have another bundle of joy on the way. My life is amazing with you but I want it to be perfect and in order to make it perfect there's one thing I have to ask you."

He moves to the side and his team mates were in a straight line. They each took off their jerseys. I slowly read what said on their shirts.

Will U Marry Me?

My eyes went wide and I turn to see Olivier on one knee. Can you imagine the gasps coming from everyone in the crowd?

"So will you Kai Müller Bartra marry me?"

"Yes!" I nod

He puts the ring on my finger and gets up to kiss me.

This is how Neymar was suppose to ask my mom to marry him twenty years ago.

My life was hectic at first. I lost my mom at a young age, I grew up with guys, I had commitment issues, I met Olivier, my twin had a crush on me, my mom turned out to be alive, my mom has a twin who I saw at the airport, my grandparents from my mom side were part of the mafia, I ended up pregnant, I had to move away from Olivier for my own safety, I had twins, I'm pregnant again, my mom is happily married to Neymar, my father finally has a girlfriend and lastly I'm happily engaged.

I don't think many people can say these things have happened to them but to be honest I'm glad they happened because I learned from it.

I'm happy and so is everyone else in my family. There's nothing more I can ask for.

I just know that this would be a good story for my kids to tell their kids and their kids to tell their kids.

My life is a book and it's finally been published.

~ The End ~

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