Chapter 9

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Olivier's P.O.V.

"You're going on a date with her?" Jack asked me as I got dressed

"Yeah." I nodded. "Didn't we establish this already?"

I buttoned up my black dress shirt.

"Lucky son of a gun." Alex threw popcorn at me

I shook my head, "It's not luck."

"Then what is it?" Kieran asked

"I don't know." I shrugged

"What time do you have to be at her uncle's place?" Aaron asked

"8:00 pm." I put on my grey suit jacket that match my grey dress pants

"You should get going then." Aaron tossed me my wallet and phone.

He's the most helpful one compared to the other baboons.

"How do I look?" I asked the guys

"Like a bomb ju-"

Jack covered Alex's mouth, "You look great! Bye!"

I walked out the door and went to the elevator.

"You forgot these!" Aaron ran over to me handing me the flowers I got earlier for Kai

"Thanks." I grabbed them

"Go get 'em tiger." Aaron smirked

I chuckled entering the elevator. I quickly texted Kai saying that I was on my way.

I exit the elevator and walked out to see my chauffeur waiting for me. He noticed me and opened the door.

"In you go sir." He politely said

"Thank you."

He closed the door behind me and waked over to the driver seat.

"To Ms. Müller uncle's place?" He asked me

"Yes." I nodded

On the drive there I instantly became nervous. My hands were shaking and my knee was bouncing up and down. I'm a nervous wreck.

"Don't be nervous Mr. Giroud." My chauffeur spoke

"Can you really tell?" I asked

"It's normal to be nervous. Especially since the person you're going out with is beautiful. You're lucky to be going on a date with her." He replied

"Do you know her?" I questioned

I feel like he does know her.

"Know her? No. Seen her? Yes."

"Oh okay." I nodded

We finally arrived to her uncles place and I made my way to the front door. I rung the doorbell and I saw the face of her twin and cousin.

"Hey." I said nervously

They're kind of intimidating.

"Come in." Her cousin let me in

I walked in and just stood there. I had no idea where to go.

"I'm Marco, Kai's cousin and this is Kol, her twin brother." He introduced himself and her brother.

"I'm Olivier." I stuck my hand out to Marco

He looked at my hand and then at me. His face was very serious.Alright no hand shake.

Marco then smiled, "Bro, we hug it out."

I chuckled nervously when he hugged me. I then looked at Kol who was just glaring. I stuck out my hand and he gave my hand a very firm hand shake.

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