Chapter 10

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Third P.O.V.

Kai sat down anxiously waiting for the cab to arrive back to her father's house. She was back in Germany for a day so that she could speak to her father since he called the day before to tell her he needed to talk to her in person.

She was thinking to herself how she was going to explain this whole boyfriend situation since she knows that that's what he called her for.

"Ms. Müller, we are here." The cab driver announced

"Thank you." She paid him and got out of the cab

She only brought a duffel bag with her just in case she needed to stay the day or something. She slowly walked up to her old home and opened the door.

"Dad!" She called out

"Living room!"

She walked over to the living room to see her father, her godfather and her uncles: Robben, Robert, Manuel and Philipp.

She greeted everyone then sat down in between her godfather and uncle Philipp.

"I know what this is about." She speaks first. "About Olivier."

"So that's the boy's name?" Thomas looks at Kai

"I know I should have told you first but I just didn't know how to. You know how I am dad. Relationships isn't my best subject."

"I know Kai. I know." He sighed. "I just don't want you getting hurt. You're my baby girl."

She stood up and went over to him and hugged him.

"I will forever be your princess." She smiled and looked at him. "But I never felt like this about a guy before. This is all new to me and he knows it."

"As long as he doesn't force you to do anything you don't want to do." Manuel interjects

"I know that. I've had the talk with all of you before." She laughed. "But I honestly do like this guy."

"Well I'm happy for you." Thomas hugs his daughter. "Now let me see a picture of this guy who I still have to meet."

Kai pulls out her phone and shows him the picture of her and Olivier on their first date.

"Really?" Thomas looks at his daughter surprised. "David Beckham is your type of guy?"

"Apparently." She shrugs laughing

"I want to meet this boy." Thomas says seriously

"Okay but it has to be soon since practice for him starts next month." She tells him

"Practice?" Philipp cut in

"Yeah he plays for Arsenal." Kai told him

"Oh no wonder he looks familiar." Thomas rubbed his nonexistent beard. "I want to meet him as soon as possible."

"I'll talk with him." Kai nods

After conversing with her family, Philipp pulls Kai to the side.

"What's up uncle Phil?" Kai asks him

"Just to let you know, the reason your father found out about Olivier was through me."

Kai furrowed her eyebrows.

Philipp on the other hand knew that telling Kai how he found out will definitely cause some tense between her brother and her since he knows that Kol came clean about her relationship with Olivier.

"Kol called me." He simply stated

Kai couldn't believe that her own brother ratted her out. She knew when she goes back to Barcelona, she will pack up and stay with Neymar instead of her uncle Marc. If her uncle asks then he can thank Kol for that.

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