Chapter 8

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Kai's P.O.V.

I can't get that out of my head.

French-Spanish-German babies!

Damn you, Artemis.


I spit my food out, "No!"

"Oh come on, Kai. Your kids with him would be perfect. I mean have you seen yourself in the mirror and have you seen him?!" Artemis raised an eyebrow

"Not really since I break the mirror 99.9% of the time." I snorted

"Oh shut up!" She nudged me. "You're a perfect combination. I've never heard of a Spanish-German combination. You're fucking drop dead gorgeous."

Not as gorgeous as you.

"Yeah okay." I shrugged

"If you don't believe me then-" She cut herself off and stood up. "Hey everyone!" She shouted to the guys on the side eating their McDonalds.

"What are you doing?" I looked up at her

"Shh." She hushed me then faced everyone else. "Who here- expect for family please that's just incest- would date Kai? And be honest!"

I face palmed.

"Look, Kai." She told me

I looked over to my friends and they had their hands in the air. . . Even Olivier. I blushed and looked at my food.

"Go back to whatever the hell you were doing!" Artemis waved them off

She sat back down and I felt her eyes on me.

"Why do you always shy away, Kai?" She asked

"Because I told you. I don't want to get hurt." I picked at my food

"Kai." She sighed. "A relationship is like football. For example, you're running to the goal. Your team is losing by one and you need to equalize it to go to the penalty shoot out. The defenders of the opposite team are in front of you but your teammate is on the side all by himself and he sucks."

"That's just mean." I nudged her

"Sorry but listen to the example. You have two choices, two risks. You try to kick the ball over the defenders or you pass it to your teammate. What would you do?"

It got me thinking, "Um pass it to my teammate because you never know. He could actually make the goal and if he doesn't well at least he tried." I said thoughtfully

"Exactly two big risks. If you try to kick it over the defenders then you look selfish for not passing it and if you pass it your team might not get the goal and you don't look selfish but you lose the game. Everything in life is about taking risks even if the outcome may be bad or may be good." She then became a softie. "I bet mom took so many risks."

I felt tears form in my eyes when she mentioned mom. It's just a very touchy subject.

"What do you say? You think you're going to push this fear of getting hurt aside and learn the experience of being in a relationship for yourself?" She wrapped her arm around my shoulder. "Or are you gonna let what other people say about relationships affect you."

I look up at the sky,"You make excellent points."

"Oh I know." I heard the smirk in her voice. "So?"

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