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"Okay." He responded in a whisper and began to set up the tape recorder. It allowed her eyes to wonder to the file but she couldn't read a single line with it being all upside down. The only thing she made out clearly was the victims names and some times. It was only then that the realisation hit Lucy, those people were really dead. They were victims, they weren't around anymore. The colour began to drain from her face before she forced herself to snap out of it. It was a good thing...they weren't there to bother anyone anymore, that man wasn't there to do crime anymore. She'd done people a favour. Ah god that was worse than regretting it wasn't it? Just as her head began to spin, the detective looked back up to her and pressed down the record button on the device. "This interview is being tape recorded and may be given in evidence if the case is brought to trial. The time is 09:27 hours on Thursday 20th October 2005. This interview is taking place at Piccadilly Green Police Station." His smooth London accent pulled her back to focus. She couldn't loose it now. So she concentrated solely on his words and nothing else. "My name is Detective Inspector Lestrade, I am with Scotland Yard. My role today is to interview you in relation to the murder of Mr Peter Samson and Mrs Abigail Samson." They were alive when she saw them. That's all she kept repeating. "I will be making notes during the interview purely for my reference. Can you give your full name please."

"Er, Lucy Scott." Her breathlessness came across due to the sudden question but she relaxed, shoulders falling down into a slouch.

"And your date of birth." Deja vu. Lucy had just been through exactly the same process minutes ago.

"The 14th of July 1978." She refused the urge to blow out a frustrated sigh, wanting to stay in their good books.

"Can you confirm for the purpose of the tape that there are no other persons present in the interview room." All of these script like statements sounded as if he was reading from script but as his eyes watched her, she came to the conclusion he was just very used to saying them. Meaning he had done a lot of interviews, therefor he was probably very good at them.

"Yes." She forced out strongly, faking the confidence she truly severely lacked.

"You do not have to say anything but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence. However I have to remind you that you are not under arrest and may leave at any time should you choose to do so. Do you understand?" Lucy had struggled to make sense of everything he had said but it all sounded exactly like what Moriarty said. "You have the right to free and independent advice. Do you require the services of a solicitor?" Following that strange mans advice, she answered without a second thought.

"No." She shook her head loosely with a shrug.

"Any reason why not?" He hadn't told her why she should say no. For the first time she had to act on her own and fast.

"I don't need one." It was simple, confident and accompanied by a sad smile and shake of her head, Lucy was convinced it came across innocent. Besides it was true, she didn't need one, not when she technically had a consultant.

"If you change your mind at any point let me know and I can stop the interview. You can then speak to a solicitor by phone or in person." DI Lestrade stopped for a second to watch her nod and pick up a pen which had been clipped to the file. "At the conclusion of the interview I will give you a notice that explains what happens to the tapes and how you or your solicitor can have access to them." Lucy nodded again and rested her hands on top of the table, waiting for him to start. She wasn't going to waste her voice when it wanted needed, she just wanted to get on with it. "Yesterday afternoon at approximately 7pm, the bodies of Peter Samson and Abigail Samson were found at there property in Kensington Gardens." He turned down to the file then, reading off from the notes on the first page. "Peter Samson had suffered a bullet wound to the chest. His wife Abigail Samson a bullet wound to the right shoulder and another to her right hip." There weren't words to explain how Lucy was explaining. Like being back at school if she had to liken it to anything, when she cheated and feared being caught. That feeling times'd by one million. "A friend, Miss Sally Denvor found the bodies after they failed to meet her for dinner that night. She and a number of others we have talked to have stated you cleaned for the Samson's every Wednesday, can you confirm this as being correct?"

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