Thirty Six

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"Katherine! We're late!" His yell made Katherine jump where she stood, studying her reflection in the mirror. For the past ten minutes, she had been deliberating her choice of dress, but it had been a gift from Jim a couple of days ago, so she figured it was a hint. But for the past five minutes, he had been screaming her name throughout the whole house, causing servants to scuttle out the way and his bodyguards to cringe. Katherine however, tutted, much to the amusement of the maid helping her dress.

"Oh, do tell him to shut up." She muttered under her breath causing the older woman to smirk. She was an employee from before the break in, moved to this residence and promoted to Miss Reine's personal assistant after the other girl's...passing. She was nice, kindly like a mother but she knew her place. "He insists I look so good for his clients, then he must give me time to do so."  Tina fastened the chunky gold bracelet around Katherine's wrist as she fixed her hair and took one last look in the mirror.

Her dress was a tasteful metallic green from Vivienne Westwood's Couture Collection. When it had been hanging on her wardrobe this morning it had looked breath taking, but on her with the faint bruising peeking out at her shoulder, she wasn't sure. She felt confident but, shy. This was the most dressed up she had ever been and it was the first time she was going to be by Moriarty's side, and it was as his fiancé. She wanted to look perfect.

"Katherine!" It was easy to tell by his tone and by how the volume was increasing, that his patience was wearing thin. It was time to go.

"You look stunning Miss Reine. I am sure Mr Moriarty will be pleased." With a small smile aimed at Tina, Katherine bowed her head with thanks and then turned to make her way towards the stairs.

"Katherine!" Her eyes rolled before planting firmly on his back. He was dressed just as formally as she, in a black tux and his back was to her, his focus centred on the blackberry which never seemed to leave his hand.

"Are you quite done screaming?" The first thing he saw upon turning was the smirk drawn across her painted lips. Since becoming engaged, her behaviour hadn't changed, much to Moriarty's surprise and pleasure. He had expected her to become lovey dovey, acting all pathetic and doting, but she still stood up to him. She still had a back bone, and what made it sweeter was that it was one he could bend over his desk when he pleased.

"Are you quite done delaying me?" Jim wore a face similar to a spoilt child's who had just been denied dessert. Continuing to look smug, Katherine sauntered over to him and straightened his tie, brushing the imaginary dust from his shoulders. She wouldn't give him the satisfaction of answering, besides he seemed far too bust surveying her appearance.

"Do you think it is too much?" There were some seconds pause, he was obviously in a mood to tease her. Jim bit his lip and squirmed his face as if he was unsure, but then he smiled and pulled her in by her hip.

"Not on you. You look perfect." He kissed her harshly, causing most of the men to turn away in respect. He had been full of compliments the past week since she had awoken, on a couple of occasions she would even go as far to say he was a true gentleman. Of course, there had been dark times as there always would be with him. But he was tolerable. "Time to go." He walked ahead of her without another word, out of the main doors and down the stone steps to where the car lay out front.

A bodyguard opened the door for her, causing her to mutter a thanks as she slid into the backseat next to Jim.

For the majority of the first part of their journey, Moriarty sat on his phone rapidly typing out emails. So she sat quietly and stared out the window, wondering just what this 'ball' they were going to would be like. She'd never been to a ball, she had not even thought they existed outside of Cinderella until Jim told her about it the morning after their engagement. Upon hearing it was being held by Charles Magnussen, at his estate, she refused to step foot into it. But after some...forceful convincing from Jim, she had agreed. But she wasn't comfortable, not after the last time she had been in his presence.

"He's not going to interrogate me is he, this Magnussen?" She couldn't help herself any longer and spoke out, interrupting Moriarty from his thoughts. But surprisingly, he looked up from the small screen and sighed.

"It has been strongly recommended that he keeps his conversation strictly professional." He then began typing again, but Katherine wasn't convinced. However just as she went to complain, Moriarty spoke again. This time in a much darker tone. "Never the less, try not to find yourself alone with him. I want you to socialise, introduce yourself, mingle with the wives of the big boys." Jim reached across and took her hand, finally making her look at him. "You are about to become one after all." That comment made her smirk finally and she looked down at their hands, eyes fixed on the large, sparkling sapphire. "You'll introduce yourself as Katherine Reine, my fiancé. You will not utter a word of your past. You will only speak of the life you've rehearsed. You will not mention anything about the Samson's nor react should anyone else speak of them." Moriarty paused, leaning so far in his seat so that his lips were at her ear. "And most importantly, you will act like a good girl for daddy. I will not tolerate embarrassment." He wasn't teasing anymore.

"Understood." Their eyes met. Jim calculating how much he could expect from her and she trying to guess what the punishment would be if she disappointed. He seemed to be pleased with his final deduction since he chewed on his cheek and muttered under his breath.

"Good." Katherine turned away, ready to go back into her own world and leave him to his business, until she felt a hard object land in her lap. Eye's widening, she frowned at him, asking for an answer as to why a small glittery gold box now rested upon her dress. "You look beautiful."

A blush rose to her cheeks, threatening to make her trip over her words. So, she delayed speaking and concentrated on the box. Pulling open the thin gold bow, she lifted the lid and almost gasped. Inside, lay a thin gold chain with a bumble bee hanging from it, encrusted with diamonds. "Thank you, you shouldn't have." Katherine let him take it off her and bowed to help him fasten it around her neck.

"It's a husband's duty to shower gifts." As her back was to him, she couldn't tell whether he was being sarcastic or not. "Besides, I want them to envy you." That made more sense coming from him.


"Because you will be at the top of the food chain...darling." Jim kissed the hollow of her neck softly, causing goose bumps to rise along her skin. At least she thought it was the kiss. What it really was, was his words. She as going to be a lioness and this was her first chance to prove so, to everyone including Jim.

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