Thirty Seven

143 8 1

Trigger Warning: Abuse

Two months passed quickly. They had moved into a new house. It wasn't a castle, it was much more like the first mansion she'd been moved into. Here, they shared a bedroom and it was closer to London. Her days were longer than they'd ever been, all since her real training has started. Moriarty had insisted she no longer have any advanced self defence skills, but instead she would be assigned two body guards at all times, at least. She knew how to shoot a gun, sort of, and how to kick herself free but anything more physical and it would be handled by one of her men. Now, she was mostly being taught the ins and out of the business by Jim himself or his close advisors whom he trusted and who knew the workings almost as well as he did. But it was all paper. Background checks, personal profiles, money management. Of course some of it was more interesting, new identity creation and forgery for example, Katherine had excelled at that plainly cause she was interested. But the rest was...well...a chore.

Now, for example, Katherine sat in the lounge with a newspaper laid out in front of her. The headlines were unappealing, she had melted from them all years ago and only propped up when there had been a 'sighting' and even that was rare. She was bored, all dressed and made up just to sit in the house awaiting for someone to beckon her.

"Miss Reine." Like that. All her days were periods of sitting, interrupted by a 'Miss Reine' now and again. What was it this time? A spilled vase? A dog terrorising some maid? One of her dresses had mysteriously destroyed? Hardly, it was never that interesting.

"Yes?" She turned her head, just enough to see Vivienne, a young girl despite her name, loitering.

"Mr Moriarty asked to see you in his office. He also said for you take with you, the plans for the wedding." Well that was most unexpected. A second passed where she waited for Vivienne to admit a mistake but the girl silenced, keeping her eyes on her hands, crossed in front of her.

"Have you checked he isn't running a fever?" The girl's expression didn't change. Katherine's sarcasm was wasted on them sometimes, "The plans are just on that table, would you mind passing them to me?" She didn't thank the girl and once the file of paper was in her hand, she walked out the room, towards Moriarty's office.

He hadn't been away on any business trips for a couple of weeks. Instead he'd been travelling back and forth to London and on the days he had no meeting he would set up in his office and work from early morning to..early morning most of the time. There were days she didn't even see him, he was just a mass of warmth in there shared bad for a couple of hours during the night. It was only since her training started with Jim, that she truly started to realise how hard he worked and how it affected his mood.

Knocking twice, she waited until the voice on the other side spoke.

"Come in."

Katherine opened the door and stepped through. "You called for me?" After the door clicked shut behind her, she slowly sauntered towards his desk.

"Take a seat." She did as he said, crossing her legs, the silky and heavily patterned fabric of her dress raising to show of her thigh. "I asked for you to bring-" without any hesitation she raised the file and let it fall onto the desk in front of him with a loud slam. "My, what has you in such a pleasant mood my darling?" He narrowly looked at her, moving the papers off to the side.

"Oh you know, sitting, watching the world go by, it's such good entertainment." Mid July, summer was at it's peak and the only sun she seen was in the gardens. She was lucky she guessed, the aches of surrounding land meant there was never much shade clouding her, but it was the same view. Moriarty only allowed her to go out with him and that was only at night most of the time. She was bored.

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