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His voice had dipped low as he moved along the booth seat slowly, so much so that Katherine didn't realise. She was too busy focusing on how Moriarty's eyes never seemed to drift from her lips. The smell of his aftershave became stronger as he came closer and at the last second, as his breath started to graze her neck, her eyes fluttered shut as he laid a gentle kiss in the corner of her mouth.

All talk of business and professional behaviour fell from her head in that moment, all because of a gesture which could barely be classed as a kiss. But he stayed there, the softness of his lips lingering over hers until they moved to be by her ear.

"You should change your hair." That hadn't been what Katherine had been expecting, maybe something more...flirtatious or something. Not another one of his hidden meaning comments. "You'd suit it darker, it's nothing right now."

"Nothing?" She repeated and absentmindedly pulled away slightly to look down at her own hair, of which she was able to see anyway. "What do you mean by that?" Moriarty caught her off guard by kissing the her ear lobe and humming some unrecognisable word.

"It's not...fitting. It could be better." The words were just a low rumble. Katherine gasped when his nose dragged down her neck, his lips lightly trailing over the exposed skin, and his hand returned to her upper thigh.

"Darker..." She mused aloud for a few seconds, holding in a scoff of disbelief. Whether he was the person who bailed her out of the shit or not, who did he think he was to tell her what she suited and what she should do with her body? All of a sudden she felt dirty sitting there, all dressed up like a little girl in those gifted heels and dress. "Alright. Is there anything else you think could be better?" It was meant to be a joke, but her confidence shook and it came out as a normal question, a one she hadn't expected him to answer,

"One thing at a time." When Jim kissed the bottom of her neck with a chuckle escaping his lips, her eyes fell closed again but this time it was out of pure disgust and not pleasure. Then she snapped, her hands raising to grab his shoulder and push him back. "Hey." Moriarty caught both her wrists and pushed them out to the side, rendering her helpless. From there, it took approximately two seconds for the fire to blaze behind Jim's eyes, the pupils turning back and furiously watching her with a tensed jaw. Katherine's teeth were clenched and she breathed heavily, trying not to let his anger effect her. "Who do you work for?" He practically grinned at her while awaiting an answer, that smug look she'd memorised from their first encounter making her want to fight him. But it was no use, his grip on her was strong and she knew the consequences she'd have to bare if she took one more step out of line.

"You." The anger didn't subside, the force around each of her wrists didn't loosen. Moriarty just raked his eyes over her body and gave a small smile before finally taking his hands off her and downing the rest of his drink.

"Good. Remember that." His accent sang the words but her head was spinning from the sudden turn of mood. Katherine managed to take a large mouthful of her own drink once the hammering against her chest calmed a bit and she gathered the courage to look at him. "Oh come on, don't be like that." Moriarty groaned, gesturing to her doe eyes and thin lips.

"I would like to go home." She started to gather her things but a hand laying itself over hers as she put it on the table, made her pause. This time it was like a feathers touch, Moriarty let his fingers caress the skin, trailing it up her arm until his hand wrapped around her elbow.

"Please...stay." Giving a sharp tug, Katherine's arm fell from the table. She kept her eyes set dead ahead of her never glancing his way, even when his voice sounded close to her ear again. "I'm trying to set you apart from the rest. You don't want to clean up everyone else's mistakes for the rest of your life do you?"

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