Thirty Four

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When Katherine woke up, she was alone. Moriarty had laid with her and talked to her until light had started to appear outside. She may have been asleep for almost a week but it hadn't been too long before she sunk back into unconsciousness. Her head had been on Jim's chest and his arms had been wrapped around her waist, but now her cheek rested upon a cold pillow and a soft cool breeze was flowing through the open windows.

There was a wight at the end of the bed, and already she knew it was those intimidating dogs Moriarty had introduced to her last night. They were adorably protective. Everytime someone past her door out in the hallway their ears would perk and one would shuffle closer to her. Already she felt safer, and what made her smile most was that Jim had got them for her.

Shere Khan, Freddie and Lecter. A man eating tiger, a British rock singer and a cannibal. It's a sad shame for them that she wasn't awake to name them herself. But somehow they suited the three attack dogs. At least two of them literally did.

Around five to ten minutes after she woke, they started pining for attention. Restlessly shifting their heads every couple of seconds, they soon started to move across the bed.

"Why are you crying?" Her voice soothed them, but only so much. "Do you miss your daddy?" Katherine found herself smirking from her own amusement and raised an arm as much as she could with her weak strength, to pat the largest dog on the head.

As if he was waiting for his cue, the door to her bedroom opened and in Jim stepped. His weight leaning back against the door caused it to shut and, as if she had been right all along, the dogs scrambled from their resting places to greet him. However, a simple raise of his hand made them stop dead and he walked through them, coming to a stop by her bedside and taking a seat.

"Good morning." Jim was the first to speak. He looked down at her, studying the half of her face which wasn't hidden in the covers. Katherine didn't sit up, at least she didn't until he raised a brow.

Swallowing hard, she fixed herself and sat up, mumbling a 'morning'. He didn't give any indication of replying with anything, but he did take a long while to look her over. They had talked a lot after he'd calmed her down last night and now it seemed hard for him to say anything at all. Strange, quiet was something Jim was rarely, unless he was thinking.

"Thank you, for staying with me last night." A hint of a smirk tugged at the corner of Moriarty's mouth.

"Someone had to." He stood again, walking aimlessly around the room. The sunlight was weak, but it was easy to tell summer was coming as the breeze held a hint of warmth. Katherine watched him easily, but she was anxious as she awaited his next verbal move. At the foot of her bed, he stopped and buried his hands in his pockets. "How do you feel?"

"The same, maybe somewhat better." As a reply, Jim nodded. The way he watched her was unsettling. He had one eyebrow almost raised, his back ever so subtly hunched as it always was, causing that casual hollow in his chest. It made him look like he was too comfortable in his suit, it made him look as threatening as the first time she'd laid eyes on him.

Suddenly, he started to nod, it must have been an answer to his own silent question as he started searching his pockets.

"I have something for you." Katherine waited patiently, watching on as he raised his arm out of his pocket. Dangling from his hand, was her necklace. It was a...well it didn't really hold any real importance, at least it hadn't until she'd fallen under Jim's employment. It was just a trinket, a reminder. Why did he have it?

"My necklace?" He walked around her her bedside again, opposite the side he'd just sat upon, and perched on the end of the mattress. Leaning forward, Jim was careful as he fastened the necklace around her marked neck and as he pulled away, he repositioned the cross at the hollow of her throat. Instantly, her hand went up to touch the small silver charm and she smiled. "Thank you."

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