Thirty Five

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They walked for a while, through the grounds of what Katherine had soon discovered to be a castle after leaving her bedroom. Or should she say chambers? That sounded much more correct due to their current habitat. Together, she and Jim had walked the walls of the Castle, stopping at random points so she could rest her aching limbs and gaze down into the depths of the moat which surrounded them.

It sounded so horrifically unbelievable, that she was walking along walls that once belonged to royalty, or something like it, but now it was in the hands of the man who walked beside her. His men loitered 20 or so foot behind them, should they be needed and she knew he had snipers watching them. Jim had told her so as soon as she looked sheepish leaving the indoors and being in open air. She had been scared, but as soon as he had taken her arm and told her she was safe, Katherine had relaxed and felt...untouchable. Almost. She had felt protected before they had taken her and look where that got her. Now, she felt guarded but her walls were built up higher than ever.

"Jim?" Slowing their pace, Katherine waited until Jim was looking at her before continuing. "What do we do from here on out?"

"Do?" His brow had quirked and he stopped walking altogether, hands in his pockets.

"Yes. Now...well now..." As she stuttered, she walked ahead of Moriarty to stand by the high walls. She didn't want to see him looking at her while she sounded so...silly. "I am not exactly sure what I am trying to ask you." Katherine gave a small laugh filled with nerves. Her hands held each other in front of her as she leant ever so slightly over the wall to peer down to the water below.

As she tried to clear her head, she felt a strong hand come to lie on her hip. He pulled her until she was facing him, but then tightened his grip. Jim's other hand remained casually placed in his pockets and hers by her side, but her head tilted up, exposing her neck, as their eyes locked.

"Have the past events made you want to go home?"

"Go home? What do you mean?"

"Who you were." Jim twirled a piece of her hair around his finger, making a mental note to have someone come in to sort out the mess it now was. "Lucy-"

"Don't say that name." They had used that name. But she was not that person anymore. The fact she stood there today, alive and strong was proof of that. "I do not want to return to that. I..."

She had bit at him again, like a feisty feline. Twice in such a short day, she had surpassed a line she had not even neared before her absence. She had gained a certain element of power, a witty confidence which allowed her to bite and not think of the consequences. Luckily for her, he was in a good mood and would not take it too seriously. But luckily for him, it was just how he had imagined her when they first met.

As Katherine continued to babble, Jim let him mind wander. Some make up, a bath, some new clothes...she would almost be back to her old self on the outside. But inside...Inside she was a simmering pot. And he knew just the thing that would bring her to the boil, to turn her into his 'everything'. He'd admit he was impressed. He would admit it was time. He would also admit, only to himself, that he would get just the tiniest bit of pleasure out of the business deal he was about to propose.

" I said last night. After everything, I just want to be a part of it all." Katherine's voice was now calm as he tuned back in with a barely noticeable smile.

"I can give you everything I promised." With his hand winding around her waist more, pulling her closer, Jim leant down so their foreheads were almost touching. "But if you want to go home, go back to what you were...speak now. I won't give you another opportunity." There was a awkward silence, during which Katherine didn't know what to say. It was all very...considerate of him. But she couldn't, she wouldn't go home. And she didn't need any other opportunities. If she didn't need to leave this underworld after what she had just been through, she would never want to leave.

"No. I...I just..." Katherine took a breath to compose herself. "I want to resume training." The corner of her eyes became glossy but she would not allow herself to break down. Not here, not now, not in front of Jim. "I want to learn."

"And you will."

It was now or never. At least that's what it looked like through the sniper's eyes as he watched the couple from a turret above the couple. 'Watch for any unwanted company.' That's what he was told before being sent off on guard duty for the master and his princess. However, as he watched them he couldn't help but chuckle to himself. In such a short amount of time, he had found his perfect girl. An easy to manipulate, lonely, susceptible girl who had found herself in some deep trouble and in need of serious help. And he had turned her into his perfect woman. A confident, manipulative, head strong woman who wanted nothing more than to feel in power and watch the world around her burn. Together, if Jim continued to 'improve' her as he called it, they would be unstoppable. Just like planned.

But watching them, knowing what the next word's out the master criminals mouth would be, felt wrong. Something wasn't right. He had a feeling each was playing the other, but Moriarty seemed to be enjoying it all too much. If he had invested his heart, it was a much more dangerous thing altogether. For Seb's sake, for Katherine and all of Jim's men sake, he hoped it was all just a very, very good act. 

"When do we go back to normal? Back to the house?" Katherine began running her hand up his arm until she was rubbing his shoulders.

"Soon, but there is some business to attend to first." Pausing, he let out a breath and looked around their surroundings as if searching for something on the horizon. "I need to acquire something."

"Acquire something? Why what else can there be for you to get?" The playfulness returned to her persona as she chuckled with marvellous sophistication and placed a hand on the tie which now hung from around his neck. "You are smart, successful, Mr Moriarty are practically a King."

"I would suit a crown." They both laughed together, and for what felt like the first time, Katherine felt at ease while at the same time seeing Jim so relaxed. He seemed, happy? He truly looked like a man who had it all, bar one thing. "But no, what I need is something much more ordinary." She quirked an eyebrow, wanting him to go on. "A queen."

"I would that an ordinary thing, Mr Moriarty." Katherine had become breathless, her brow lifting in surprise.

"I can give you the world." He stepped forward, pushing her back and harshly pinning her between himself and the rough brick walls. "You will never be touched again by men like that. When they see you, they will fear you." With his mouth by her ear, she could imagine his eyes turning into black dots just like they had been many times when his voice heated with such passion. "You'll be the face, my little mole."

"Jim." She didn't know what she would say if she had interrupted him successfully. So thankfully, he didn't listen, or at least if he did, he didn't care. And the next words to come out his mouth, stunned her.

"Mrs Katherine Moriarty...they'll know your name and they will bow to you. All of them." She was going to be an extension of him. His eyes and ears, the one people got to. Think of her as his brand. People would see her and think of him. She would bring down bosses and charm their wives. She was going to be perfect. Jim watched as she stared at him, mouth agape. Her hands had become loose on his tie and she looked...ill.

When she finally spoke, it was breathless. The wind almost washed it away before Jim heard it. "I like that. Katherine Moriarty." As the shock mellowed, only slightly, her smirk returned and the fire behind her eyes was ignited. It had started to sink in, the power, the opportunity. He had won.

"Is that a yes?" Withdrawing a small box from his pocket, Jim made quick work of sliding the ring from its velvet be before she had even responded.

"Yes." The obese sapphire, surrounded by a sea of diamonds was easily slid onto her slender finger. "Yes." Nodding, Katherine smiled and threw her arms around him. She was surprised when he returned the gesture, kissing her while wrapping one arm around her, even if his other hand was taking his mobile phone out his pocket.

"Go get ready, into something more fetching. I'll call for people to come help you." Moriarty let her go and then turned her away from him, smacking her playfully on the behind to send her on her way. "Dress for dinner. There's no time to waste showing your face to the world."

As she walked away, Jim smiled to himself, watching the sway of her hips as a few of his men followed to escort her to her room. The Great Game was just beginning. The first cog had begun to turn and soon all the others would follow.

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