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When she opened the door later that night, she was smiling wide for the first time and fully dressed and ready to go for that matter. Wearing her hair in curls as always, the new colour made it look more glamorous, and made her pale skin glow against the cream silk of her dress. It was floor length and had light cloud grey and a subtle yellow floral pattern on it which wasn't over powering but instead very feminine. On her feet, a pair of pure white three inch heels, but overall it was her favourite look. Katherine looked like a woman, a well dressed and formal woman. She felt like she could run the world with the confidence filling her.

"Good evening." Katherine had greeted upon opening the door, only to find Moriarty holding a large bouquet of white roses out to her. "Oh my..." He more dropped them into her hands rather than handing them too her and stepped into the apartment, around her.

"I won't pay you yet so." She shut the door and moved the flowers to cradle them in her arms more comfortably. But then she heard him chuckle under his breath and when she looked up at him, Jim was staring at her. "Well..." He trailed off and walked closer to her, running his hands through her hair.

"Do you like it?" She sounded like a little girl.

"Do you?" It had taken him a long minute to reply, and he moved his hand to cup her cheek. Moriarty looked down at her and smiled light, the corner of his mouth lifting cheekily.

"Yes, very much so. Thank you." Her eyes turned down to the floor as a blush spread across her lightly highlighted cheeks. But Jim rose her face with ease and he dropped a soft kiss onto her lips. It wasn't like the one in the restaurant. It was more natural and easier to feel and enjoy. Even his touch was light, getting fainter and fainter until it dropped completely back to his side and he stepped away.

"It brings out your eyes. Very beautiful." His voice was so husky it travelled all the way through her. And when he smiled at her, it seemed genuine for the first time she could remember since ever meeting him. "See, Boss knows best." They shared a laugh at his words until suddenly Moriarty clapped his hands together and made a move towards the stairs. "Now! Where is that tape recorder? I hear you have a lot to tell me." He was already half way upstairs before he realised she wasn't following and he stopped to look down at her.

"I thought you said dinner?" Katherine quirked an eyebrow.

"Afterwards, darling. I'd much rather get business out of the way first." Get the business out of the way? The dinner was supposed to be business. She was tempted to question his statement further but shook it from her head and went to walk to her bedroom where she'd stashed the recorder and would place the flowers in the bathroom sink.

As Katherine walked down the hall, Moriarty continued up the stairs where she met him on the couch in the larger open spaced light living area. Even with the night sky showing outside, the room was still bright and alive thanks to all the cream. It was room she could breath in.

After taking the seat Moriarty patted down for her, next to himself, Katherine laid the tape recorder on the coffee table as well as the note pad she had jotted a few key points in and what was left of the money she'd been given for the night.

"First of all, your change." She tried to pass him the few notes.

"Well, aren't you a cheap date. Keep it for an emergency sweetheart." Pushing her hand back towards her, she simply tutted and placed the money on the table where most of the man's attention was focused. Then, she set out to start, but the thing was she didn't really know how to.

"Okay. So...first off..." She stumbled and patted her hands on her thighs. "Mr Steal met with a Mr George Yemming. They sounded like friends, they didn't work at the same place." Once she started, the words came quite easily to her.

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