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Katherine ran down the stairs wearing super skinny waist high, white jeans cut off just above her ankle and a black, wide v-neck, long sleeved knitted jumper. Both items had been delivered, along with a beige Burberry trench coat, yesterday by Sebastian especially for her shopping trip which was taking place today. A small black purse was hanging by a thin gold chain from her shoulder, inside she kept the money from Moriarty.safely stashed.

A knock on the door had sounded moments prior and she flicked her dazzlingly shiny, straightened hair over one shoulder as she unlocked the door and pulled it open.

"Good you're ready, let's go." No greeting, no pleasantries or smiles from the taller man who was now a more familiar face than what Samuel had been to her. Just a nod of his head to follow his grunts.

"You seem to be in a good mood this morning Mr Moran." Katherine smiled at him, wide and teasing, after grabbing her new coat off one of the hooks by the door and folding it over her arm. The door to the apartment slammed behind her and in less than a second, the cleaner and the sniper were walking side my side towards the elevator.

"My assigned job for this full day is to make sure a woman has some new clothes. Why would I not be in a good mood?" She could barely hear what Sebastian was saying, he was mumbling under his breath so dramatically. Obviously, he had been given the equivalent of babysitting duty today and it wasn't his favourite. But he couldn't blame her, she hadn't asked for it.

"No need to be sarcastic." The lift doors opened and they stepped in. But something was on Katherine's mind, the same question which had been on her mind for three weeks. It kept coming back into her head and nibbling away at her before she forced herself to stop thinking about it altogether. But now that she was stood next to someone who may have the answer, the temptation got too strong. "Have you heard anything from Jim?" The guy didn't even glance her way, not an eyebrow was raised. He just mumbled once more.

"Nothing you need to be notified on."

"A simple no would do." She groaned, eyes rolling back momentarily. "Where is he?" Never mind curiosity killing the cat. Temptation. It really would kill her one day. But she'd heard nothing... nothing. So much for him keeping in touch when her phone had done no more than gave a dying 'bleep' as the battery ran low.

"You care? Why?" Sebastian seemed to finally become interested in her as he looked to her just as the doors to the lift opened and they were able to walk out and across the reception area of the building. She felt a little stupid, having caused him to ask such a question. But it was understandable. Knowing nothing from Moriarty meant she was literally just a sitting duck once more.

"Just wondering, that's all." Katherine shrugged but when she exited the building, the two cars sat in the normal parking garage space made her slow. There was a large black Range Rover sat in the front, all of the windows blacked out, behind it was a sleek black model car. Upon further inspection she saw the trademark 'RR' on the side and the angel statue in silver on the front, unlike the clumpy mobster models that were so famous, this car was sexy and sleek. Katherine wasn't a car person but if she was ever going to admire a car for its look of power But what confused her more was why there was two cars. "Where is the normal car?"

"Moriarty's out of town, he's allowing use of his own personal car." Sebastian explained simply and quickly, stopping next to her for only a few moments before he marched off, forcing her to follow quickly as he opened the back door to the Rolls Royce for her. "The Range Rover is for the other guys, unless you want to ride with three body guards and a sniper." Katherine tutted quietly and climbed in the back, but as he shut the door for her she noticed somebody was already behind the wheel of the car. Sebastian walked around the front of the car and climbed into the front passenger seat.

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