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The air was warm, the sun hovered directly above them as midday approached. There was barely a breeze, but when their was it came off the sea, bringing with it the fresh coolness of the Pacific Ocean. When she closed her eyes, she could hear the palm trees moving and the waves lapping against the bolder shore only ten feet away. She sat at the end of their bedroom which, when to doors were opened, had delicate wooden steps leading straight down into the warm sea. The tropical fish were darling, swimming around her feet and then darting back amongst the coral. Katherine hadn't felt anything but pure bliss in two days ever since their private jet touched down at the small islands airport. She hadn't lifted a finger for herself. She hadn't had to pay a thought to anyone else but herself and Jim since leaving their home back in London.

The feeling was unexplainable. Purely happy. For the first time in her life, she wasn't stressed or in fear or worried. She was just happy.

"We are going to be late." She was interrupted by the man himself, walking through from the front of their room which more resembled a hut than a hotel room. They woke up looking out at the clear sea waters and went to sleep gazing into the calm darkness.

"You can not be late for your own wedding." Katherine smiled as she turned her head. He helped her to stand, taking her hand and pulling her against his chest. "And you're not supposed to see me before hand." Her voice was soft as his eyes raked across her body.

He had been speaking to Sebastian while she got ready. Her makeup was done expertly by her maids she'd brought with them and her hair was in a messy up-do, fitting with the beach wedding as pastel flowers were scattered through the small, back combed plaits. Her dress was Elie Saab, the top had short capped sleeves and was intricately covered with thick lace. Whereas the skirt from her waist was plain white, thin chiffon, dropping all the way down to the floor. It was beautiful. Plain and detailed at the same time, while being fit for a queen and a sandy wedding. 

"You can not start following traditions now." Jim spoke breathlessly, his hand daring to move to her hip to caress the perfected fabric. "Although...you do look like a bride. You look...breathtaking." His eyes met hers and although there was love, there was lust and admiration too, from both of them.

Looking at her, made Jim's pride sore for he had created her. He had picked her up, dusted her off and what remained was a blank slate for him to groom and style. Now look at her. She was so dark and manipulative it made him look good. She reminded him of a rare diamond. Those stones that shone so perfectly and have so much past that you cannot even begin to describe their beauty and their value. That was Katherine. Most nights, he found it hard to put her under one title. She was so much and yet so little to him at the same time.

Katherine blushed and looked at him through her lashes. "You look quite handsome yourself." And he did. Wearing a thin white shirt and black dress pants he looked just as casual as he did most days back in London. But already the sun made his look less pale, just like herself, and he seemed happier. His phone reception was bleak, meaning he truly had to pay attention to her and the only man he surrounded them with, that weren't there only as bodyguards, was Sebastian. He was stuck with her as his sole entertainment and surprisingly, he hadn't seemed to mind at all.

"Are you ready?" With his question came a small smile and his hand wrapped around hers.

"Are you, James?" Her taunting was met with a sharp slap on her behind. "Save that for tonight." Jim leant to lay a soft kiss on her cheek but moved her her ear.

"Kinky." That's when she slapped his chest playfully and gave his hand a tug as to pull him in the right direction. "Are you sure?" He stopped abruptly, pulling her back towards him and spinning her so their chests collided. But his hands ran up her arms until they held her just above the elbow. He looked...courteously considerate of what her answer would be. It wasn't what she had been expecting, which explained look on her face.

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