Twenty Seven

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"Harder're not going to hurt me." Sweat was dripping down her brow, her collar bones coated in a sheen which showed just how hard she was trying. However nothing seemed to be good enough for Sebastian. "Don't be scared of hurting me." She wasn't scared of hurting him, she was kicking as hard as she possibly could but nothing was good enough.

"I'm done." Katherine huffed, releasing a heavy breath as she turned away from Sebastian with her hands on her hips.

"No you're not." He clapped his hands together harshly, a useless attempt to get her attention back on him. She was beat and she needed a drink before she collapsed. They'd been doing this for hours. Him standing there, showing her self defence moves, or at least trying too. So far she had got the hang of getting out from under someone, now they worked on pressure points.

"I am..." Sighing, Katherine nodded but turned back to him so he could see how red in the face she was. It reminded Sebastian off a lobster fresh out of the pot. The girl might have been getting thinner and more attractive in the eyes of both himself and Jim, but god she was unfit.  Not seeing any other option, Sebastian marched forward and grabbed her arm. "Get...let me go!" Katherine fidgeted, trying to shrug him off but she was too exhausted. "Get off me!"

"Make me." Who did he think he was! Katherine cursed her smokers lungs while groaning at the pressure of Sebastian's grip. "You're weak. I don't see why he thinks you can do this." His low laughter made her chest burn and her brow furrow. "You're just a weak little girl."

"What's wrong with you?" They were training. That's what he was there to do, train her not speak to her like shit. Even if he was just trying to provoke her. Surely she was allowed a break? "Give me a rest."

"Get angry Katherine, that's the only way." A few seconds of silence fell over them, only Katherine's heavy breathing filling the apartment. Sebastian on the other hand hadn't burned any energy at all, he was yet to be bruised by the woman's embarrassingly weak swings. "Or are you too stupid? Just a silly little girl hiding away." He smirked when her head dropped and her fists clenched. "I knew you'd fail sooner or later." Katherine's energy a second later was explosive and her limbs seemed to move perfectly with how he'd been showing her all this time. Apparently she had been listening, she'd just needed a little taunting to show it off properly "Good, better. Keep it up." She swung at his ribs, the delicate area he'd shown her, and then kicked the back of his knee, almost sending him to the ground but not quite. Then, with a final jab in the gut, Sebastian stopped being easy on her and picked her up to slam her on the ground. It winded her but he was impressed. She was learning. "Alright, now you can have your rest."

"Bastard." She'd never felt a pain like it. It was indescribable, like a burning and tightness and choking all at the same time. She was bruised and so very nearly broken. Never the less, she was too proud to show herself as weak in front of someone who would most likely be reporting back to Jim, so she forced herself to stand and slumped towards the kitchen for a drink.

Katherine held in a groan when the man made a move to follow her, leaning against the kitchen doorframe as she filled a glass with water from the fridge filter.

"I still don't see what this has to do with me following someone." She shook her head, keeping her back to the man who was still technically a stranger....even if he was one of the only familiar things in her life. "I'd rather you tell me about the man who arrives tomorrow."

"Moriarty will do that personally-" Sebastian attempted to explain but her patience snapped. The exhaustion kicked in and the stress of the job fast approaching weakened her inner strength to the point where she just...broke.

"Yes but when?" Spinning around, Katherine leant back against the sink and huffed. "For weeks you've been saying that." Her hand started waving in the air between turns in clutching her hair. "You've gone over maps of the city with me, locations, cars, security, bugs...but nothing on the actual guy!" It was the worst planning she had ever heard off. Moriarty had went on and on about how much of a scary guy 'Magnussen' was and how she'd have to work hard to impress him...but he wasn't exactly trying hard to help her along in doing so.

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