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Sat 31 Dec 23:32

Car will pick you up tomorrow morning. 8am.
Don't be late.

Jim Moriarty x.

It had come through last night, the buzzing on the coffee table in the television area making her jump as it had failed to sound for the past six weeks. Longer in fact. By just a few days but still...she hadn't been counting. Katherine was growing bored. Bar two silly little cleaning jobs in the past three weeks, after the shopping trip, she hadn't left the apartment. And those jobs didn't even allow her to breath fresh air apart from the small walk from this building to the car. The scenes thankfully hadn't been murder related, but instead trashed up function rooms in questionable establishments which smelt of vomit, alcohol and ash. Sebastian had dropped by only twice with shopping and that had only lasted five minutes, so her voice was barely used. Jim had lied, she was going stir crazy very quickly.

Which was the main reason her grin hurt her cheeks when his name lit up the screen and she read the message. She was going out in the morning, the freshest part of the day Katherine used to loath but now craved to just walk down the deserted streets in the new sunlight with a cup of coffee and cigarette in hand. Oh how satisfying that would be. Especially the nicotine factor since Sebastian had failed to drop any off ever since she moved here. Her fault really, she always forgot to ask, and her addiction was slowly starting to fade as time past.

But bad habits aside, Katherine had bigger things to worry about because she was running late. It was Sod's law because she knew if he hadn't have put it in the damn text then she would have been right on time but unfortunately, when the knock on the door sounded she was still pulling on her shoes and taking the large Velcro rollers out of her hair. A little trick she'd mastered over her three weeks alone. With her top layer of hair still winded around boldly coloured cylinders, Katherine opened the door with a sheepish smile and stomped her foot into the black, four inch, red sole pumps.

"I could have been a hacksaw killer for all you-You're not ready." She was expecting an angry one of Moriarty's men, but she wasn't expecting Jim himself to be stood at the door glancing down at his watch after noticing her state of dress.

"I am." Katherine managed not to stutter as she stepped back from the door. "Two minutes that's all I need."

"I don't have two minutes, you can do the rest in the car." Jim didn't give her anymore warning before he walked off back down the corridor. She was right on his heels obviously, after grabbing her purse from the side board and her coat. In the elevator, he kept giving her side glances as she used the mirrored wall to speedily pull the last four rollers from her hair and then arranged the bouncy waves around her face. Not to toot her own horn but she had gotten quite good at it. Volume was added to her highlighted hair and it framed her face making her cheek bones look extra sharp and it even improved the appearance of her make up.

"Well aren't we becoming the little glamour puss." Jim studied her more obviously that point, their eyes meeting in the mirror briefly before they continued down her body. "Who knew six weeks could have such a dramatic effect?"

"I wouldn't say that much is different." The dress she wore was a size 8 but already felt too big since she'd bought it with Moriarty's money. It was funny how quick your body could change and shrink when under a great deal of stress and fear...and the knowledge that a very powerful man might just be that extra bit pleased should you continue fitting into smaller sizes. Never the less, there wasn't that much of a change, a fraction of an inch maybe. Mostly, the changes were in how she held herself. Shoulders were pushed back, her back straight and head held high. Her eyes were open and looked around her even as they stood there, she stared at him instead of avoiding it at all costs.

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