Twenty Four

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"Thank you." She uttered the overused line to the Chauffeur who held the door, as she stood with the help of Moriarty taking her hand. But Katherine was forced to stop when he didn't move but stayed beside the driver, taking a bank note from his pocket and holding it between his finger.

"Take the night off Roger, with discretion." He spoke in a hushed manner, under his breath. "Tomorrow 7am." She was forced to watch on as the podgy driver took the note and climbed back into the car without anything more than a polite 'Certainly sir'. Then when Jim turned, he simply took her hand and started to lead her into the building.

"You're not leaving?" It was probably an obvious thing to ask, but she didn't understand. However, Moriarty didn't speak until they were in the privacy of the lift.

First, James pulled her in front of him so they stood facing each other. Then he unfastened her coat for her, allowing his hands to run up the sides of her body until they encircled Katherine's waist and pulled her chest hard against his.

"Do you still want everything?" Looking down his nose at her, she tried to keep her breathing under control. "I'll give you one last chance to opt out." There wasn't a second left for her to answer between, because as soon as her head made the faintest of movements towards a nod, his lips were on hers and she was being pushed back into the mirrored wall. "You'll regret it." Maybe she would, maybe she wouldn't. But like she said before every risk was worth living for now. And as a shiver rattled down her spine ever so slowly it made her back arch, she couldn't think of any better place to be.

"So what?" She chuckled darkly as Moriarty's mouth moved down her neck, nibbling and kissing a path down to her collar bone. "I still get to dance with the devil." The feeling of his loud chuckle vibrating against her throat was indescribable but nothing compared to how hard he grasped her hand and pulled her towards the apartment once they arrived at her floor.

Once inside, layers were soon peeled off...of her. Her cost was left lying on the marble floor of the hallway and her heels were unzipped and kicked off before they even made it to the door for the master bedroom. She was fully bare within minutes, on the bed with Moriarty hovering over her, worshipping her. For a moment she wondered if this is what he'd been hinting towards all along, but no, he was more complicated than that. Besides, she didn't have much time for thinking anything else as Moriarty slowly trailed his mouth down her body and began removing that oh so lovely thousand pound suit.

There wasn't any rush, anything to exist for outside the bedroom. Katherine couldn't even make a guess at what time it was when she finally fell asleep, tucked under the covers in the king size bed while Moriaty half redressed and headed upstairs to return the call he'd missed during dinner. She didn't even know if he'd returned to the bed at any point throughout the night. If he did then she didn't hear him or feel any part of him, and when she awoke the next morning he was already gone.


Her bare feet padded through the apartment and into the kitchen, silently. She already knew Jim was gone. But there was still something...eerily disturbing her from being herself..or at least comfortable in the apartment. Maybe it was the new addition of filth and the smell of sweat she'd awoken too. Memories of last night, the biting and scratching and the cripplingly rough way his voice seemed to run through her, they all came flooding back the moment she opened her eyes.

Even now as she sought after a glass of something to drink, Katherine couldn't quite get the sly smile from her bruised lips. He hadn't treated her like a delicate daisy or anything close to that, when she was under him she felt like a woman for the first time. And not just some stupid woman in her late twenties having a good time. A real...woman. A one made of elegance and beauty. His hands caressed her like she was art, he was her private gentleman for a few hours. Although his mouth did some things that were very ungentlemanly.

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