chapter 1.Moving in!

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I got out of the wagon as soon as we got into a small town called " Encanto " Hi! I'm y/n and I have a social disorder it's called social axitey. I really wanna talk more and be me more but I'm scared I'm going to mess things up and ruin everything like always....I didn't always have this disorder! But I really don't wanna talk about disorder isn't that bad! (If you don't know what social axiety is,google it) I can still like have a conversation well kinda...but I'm trying my best to get over it.

I grab my stuff out of the wagon and walk into our new house, it was decently big considering I lived with my abuelo, aunt, uncle,cousins, and my family. We lived next to this funny looking house, it was huge! Way bigger than ours...I wonder if they have any kids my age..? Mabey I can become friends with some kids here, I was excited but nervous at the same time. My mom seemed to notice " ay  querida you look excited! You finally wanna make some friends? Ya know moving can really help a person out! A clean slate or if you prefer a clear canvas" my mom laughed, my mom knew that I really liked to paint, well not only paint I liked to draw, sketch,and kinda all art! Actually most of my stuff was art supplies. I nodded to my mothers statement and went to my room to unpack. It already had a bed,a vanity a desk (mostly for painting) I was pretty excited as I put down some boxes that I had carried to my room. My room was on the second floor, I even had my own bathroom in my room! I started to unpack.

After putting everything away I heard my abuela call out " DINNER!!! " I rushed down the stairs, after the long trip here I was really hungry so I sat down and I ate my mother was a real talkative one while my father was kinda like me quiet and calm. " so! Has anyone finished packing yet?" My mother said.Everyone nodded. "Oooh  this is so exciting! A new town,a new place,new friends! " my mother excitedly said. My tía Maria looked over at my primo Nicholas " and mabey even a girl friend?, how about it Nich?"My tía Maria said, Nicholas groaned and continued to eat. " come on now Nich your growing old and we don't want you dieing alone now! " tía Maria said my tío Hugo laughed and glaced at tía maria " now now Querida he simply 15 " " Ye!15 almost 16! He's growing so old!" my aunt exclaimed. " moooooom please stop worrying about that stuff." Nicholas groaned.


I changed out of my dress and lied in bed. I was pretty tired but I was still really curious who lived in the big house next door. Mabey... I could...go over to their house? No. No way I would for sure mess things up and they would find me weird... my eyes began to hurt, I yawned well...I'll see what happens tomorrow. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


Hey! Tysm for reading! I really appreciate it!

I'm going to go ahead and make the next chapter right now!

Please tell me how I did lol.


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