Chapter 2. someone my age

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Today I noticed we had new people move in town! I don't think anyone noticed. I'm gonna go to there house after breakfast today! I wonder if there are any kids my age! I hope there are! Or mabey any kids Antonio's age! Ooh I was so excited! I hoped out of bed and get dressed cause today , I might get a new friend!


I woke up today to crying, I sighed it was Mateo and Andres fighting again about who was the better twin of course Andres was saying he was better because he as older ( by only like 20 seconds ) and Mateo was crying cause he said younger was better. I closed my eyes hoping to get another 10 minutes of sleep, I heard a knock on my door and it opening. " y-y/n?" It was my cousin Sofia she was really shy but a really sweet girl she stuttered a lot. " a-are you a-a-awake?" I got up and looked at her and nodded " oh okay! I'm gonna be down stairs " and just like that she left. I got out of bed put on my clothes and grabbed my little pouch/bag . I carried my notebook and pencil in there if anyone needed to talk to me. I wanted my face and went downstairs to eat.

As I walked downstairs I could already hear my giant familia some were shouting others were quiet, that seemed to be the main mixture in this family. I walked into the dining room where the whole family was. " Ah! Y/n I sent Sofia to get you! Come! Take a seat next to your mama " my mom said while pulling out a chair next to her. I nodded and sat down. I began to eat my whole family was talking at once. I was so glad no one was talking to me. " ah y/n!what do you have planned for the day? " tìa Maria said. Yep. I jinxed it. I opened up my bag and took out my notebook and wrote down " I don't know, I might go out and go to the shops" everyone read it " ah! So your exploring the town! " tía Maria said " always fun to go out and explore and mabey get some friends find a boyfriend! Fall in love!" My whole faced turned red my mother noticed " Ay! Y/n is to young for that she's still my baby" my hermano (brother) Marcos snicked. My face turned even more red I hid my face in my notebook. " Marcos don't snicker that wa very rude!" My mother yelled angrily " Elena "my mother turned her head to my abuelo " Sí papi? " " Calm down. Y/n is okay and Marcos shut it and eat ur food" Marcos looked down " sorry abuelo." The chatter continued.

Time skip after breakfast

I was sitting on the couch when I heard knocking I heard my mom get it  "Hola!" I heard my mom talking. " Y/N " she shouted. I got up and went to the door. There i saw a really pretty girl she had short curly hair and green glasses. She smiled at me as my mom winked at me and left. "Hi!I'm mirbel what's your name?" I turned to grab my notebook out of my bag. Horror. I didn't have my bag with me. Mirabel must of noticed I looked shocked or scared or terrified yeh it was probably terrified. " um you okay? You look kinda shocked."I bowed down to apologized and I ran to the couch quickly grabbed my bag and came back. Form there I grabbed my notebook and began to write " I'm y/n I just moved here yesterday." She looked kinda confused then smiled. " nice to meet you y/n! Wow y/n what a lovely name!it's so pretty!" I grabbed my notebook and began to write " your name is also really pretty. You are also pretty. " she read it with a straight face she looked a bit confused again. Oh no.oh no no no no. They way she looked reading that... did I write something wrong? Was she insulted? Did I do something wrong? She then smiled "thank you so much! Your also really buetiful, I'm 15 your mom told me your also 15. I was wondering do you want me to show you around? I know about everything about this town! And boy are there some nosy kids..." she gave me a warm smile... I felt really comfortable with her for some reason... like I could talk to I could tell her everything...I smiled and nodded I put my note book in my bag and went to go tell my mom where I was going. I tapped my mom shoulder and pointed out outside. "Oh your going out! Is it with that girl? " I nodded " oh sweetie your growing up so fast! Be careful . That sweet girl told me that her abuela started this town so she should know everything about well everything! " my mom smiled, she looked really happy.  My mom was a really out going person she always likes to go places and she loves to talk I'm surprise she got together with my dad to be honest. But hey, opposites attract I guess! And waves bye to my mom and she kissed my head "be safe!"she called out as I left with the girl I had met from earlier. I was really excited and really nervous. Mirabel gave me the tour shoved me everything and when some nosy kids came by to ask me questions about literally everything she would shoo them away. I think she understood what I have and boy am I happy I didn't have to explain it to her like I had to explain it to most people. "Hey, I have a quetsion" I looked at mirbel and nodded " so I think I might already know but why do you carry around a notebook and don't talk?" She asked. I looked away I must have looked sad cause she noticed. " hey! It's okay you don't have to tell me but is it because you have social axiety?" I looked at her and nodded. Dang did she catch up fast! She smiled " glad I got it right! Anyway lemme tell you a little something about my family"we sat down on a bench outside. I looked at her with a curious look on my face. " it's a looooong story"


Hey there! Thanks for reading!

I'm gonna go to sleep now I might post tomorrow if I have time! Let em know how I did with the Spanish and what I mispelt or if something doesn't make sense!

Also if you don't really know what social axiety is and you like anime. I know there's an anime called komi san can't communicate. It's about a girl who has social axiety it on netflix and if you don't have Netflix you can watch it on 9anime. I kinda used her as inspo for y/n.

Anyway have a great day or night! Love you! And appreciate you reading bye!

Word count: 1198

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