Chapter 3. Gifts?

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Mirabel pov

After explaining everything to y/n about my family, I'm surprised she didn't second guess it at all, she didn't even ask if I was lieing! (Most new people do) she sat in awe, she pulled out her notebook and wrote " your family is so cool! What's your gift? " after reading it, I sighed and said " I-didn't...get a gift" I awkwardly said. She looked interested. " do you know why you didn't get a gift? " she wrote " I wish I did but hey atleast now my face is ingraved into our front door" I joked. She smiled and giggled a little. " So what about your family? "I asked. She whipped out her notebook and wrote for a long time. " I also have a big family I live with my uncle, aunt, cousins , siblings , my abuelo and my parents " y/n wrote down all her family's name and ages. " wow I would love to meet them one day! Hey do you wanna go get ice cream?" Y/n nodded happily and we went over to the ice cream shop.

Y/n pov

We walked into the ice cream shop. I looked at all the flavors in amazement being on the road for a couple months I haven't gotten to have ice cream so of course I have extremely excited. " what flavor do you want? " Mirbel asked I was about to choose but then it hit me. horror. I had left my money at home... I grabbed my notebook and wrote down " I'm sorry I didn't bring any money so I can't get anything you should still have some though! " mirbel read it and smiled "don't worry just choose a flavor " I grabbed my notebook " you sure it's okay? " mirbel smiled and nodded. So I chose (your choice) " hey that's sounds really good! I will get it to! " we walked super to the cashier " two ( your choice flavor) iceceam! " mirbel said. The cashier got it ready really fast and mirabel payed. We sat at one of the tables inside the icecream shop. " so are you able to talk at all? " she asked. I nodded. " are you scared to? " I nodded once again " can you say something right now? " I say blankly staring at my ice cream. I began to shake " with! You okay?your shaking like crazy! Or is that normal " I wrote down " normal " " oh okay thank you for telling me! " I smiled and we finished our ice cream.

I came home after talking to Mirbel for hours.i flopped onto my bed thinking about her.she showed me everything about this town. She was incredibly nice, I really wanted to talk to her with my real voice but I was scared. What if she thought my voice sounded weird? What if I said something wrong?what if I did something wrong? What if- I was  interrupted by my door opening. It was Sofia. " hey y/n? " I got up from my bed "can ou look at my drawing? Did I do anything wrong? Or what do you think of it? " I  signaled her to come closer. She showed me her drawing. Wow was it good! I showed her somethings she could fix and what I thought was really good. She thanked me for my help and left. Soon after not even 5 minutes later my brother came in. " hey freak, where were you today? " dam Marcos. He made fun of me for my disorder. I grabbed my notebook and wrote " I made a friend. We went to get ice cream and she showed me around" " ah so you made a friend? Let me guess she thought you were a freak for writing in a book? " Marcos cackled. Man he must think he was really funny. My face turned a bright red from embarrassment. " n-no! " I mumbled under my breath. "What?did you say something? Did the freak say something?! " Marcos angrily yelled. I sat still on my bed looking down. "That's what I thought freak. Who uses a notebook to write?" He grabbed my notebook and threw it across the face still staring down expect this time tears were forming in my eyes. " freak. That's That's you are your nothing but a hopless.useless.freak." Marcos said while leaving. As tears were forming in my eyes my cousing Nicholas came in. " I heard what he said ,don't worry what he said wasn't true. He's just jealous of you mi amor." Nicholas said. " a-are you sure? " I replied. Nicholas was the only one I actually talked to. I could trust him. Me and Nicholas are really close, well as close as cousins can be. " si mi amor he's nothing but jealous of you. He's justba dumb jerk don't listen to him. " nicholas responded smiling. I hugged him " gracias Nich " " your welcome
y/n " he hugged me back. And soon after I fell asleep in my cousins arms he layer me and bed and left. Tomorrow I wanted Mirabel and Nicholas to meet. They both kind of act the same. They are both kind and really care about their loved ones.


I'm gonna prob post another chapter rn after this one and I might post 2 or more chapters later tonight.

Tell me how it's going so far! And I hope you enjoyed. Tell me what you want to hear next in this story and have a great day or night. Love you!

Word count: 910

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