Chapter 4. The plan

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I woke up this morning and decided how I was gonna get Nicholas to hang out with mirabel. I mean it would probably be really simple. I could just say I'm gonna hang out with a friend wanna join? Yeh simple enough.

Time skip to after breakfast and getting dressed cause ik kinda lazy

I walked into Nich's room. "Hey y/n" he said " hi... do....un you....wanna hang out...with me friend of mine? " I responded. He smiled " seems like your talking more good job! You made a friend yesterday? " I nodded "well sure! When is she coming? " he asked. " um...soon." nicholas smiled and got ready. About 30 minutes later Mirabel was knocking on the door. Yesterday me and her made plans for today. My mom already knew about it so she knew I was leaving.

I answered the door. " Hi y/n! " she looked over at nichlos and smiled " who are you? " " I'm nicholas! I'm y/ns older cousin y/n asked me to tag that okay with you?" Mirabel smiled " sure it is! Come on, I have a new place to show you!" Me and Nicholas followed her to a river outside of Encanto.

It was surrounded by trees and and was really buetiful. I looked over and I saw art supplies my face went in aw. Mirbel must have noticed. " oh! You told me you liked to do art, soooo I got a couple canvases and paint so we could paint this buetiful scenary! " I smiled happily " I'm glad a brought a couple extra I didn't know nicholas was coming along!" nicholas laughed " I'm not to good at painting but I could try!" Mirbel giggled.

I saw they were getting along so I was happy. We sat down and began to paint I heard mirbel and nicholas talking. I really wanted to ask mirbel a question so right when I was about to grab my notebook out of my bag...horror. it was gone.oh shoot.. I must have forgotten to grab it! I began freaking out.

So I had no choice but to talk if I wanted to ask her the question. I heard them talking still. I sighed. "h-hey mirbel...?" She looked over in shock " You can talk? " nicholas laughed "she may be extremely awkward but yep she can talk surprise! "My cousin joked I just stared blankly. " yeh whats up y/n?" She answered " when we were um ..talking about your family never told me if um...there were any our age..? " mirabel smiled " oh there Camilo!the shape shifter! You know who he is sorry I didn't tell you their ages sooner " " WAIT WHAT? " Nichols exclaimed loudly " what do you mean shape shifter???" Mirbel laughed a little and went to explain everything.

" so your telling me your family has powers called gifts? And your sure your absolutely sure that your gift isn't beauty? " nichlos said in shock. Mirbel blushed a little "yes I'm sure! And no my gift isn't beauty for the last time! " they were actually like a couple it was sweet. I smiled I had just finished painting. I showed them my painting "woah! That's really good you have to give me some tips mine isn't that good...well look for youself" mirbel said I looked at mirbels painting it wasn't so bad just needed a couple finishing touches.

I did a thumbs up to show her that it was nice. I looked over at nich's I had to cover my mouth "pfffffffft-" he had painted a stick figure on his canvas.
"What?" nicholas responded. Mirabel burst out laughing. " WHAT SO FUNNY " "nothing- " mirbel responded trying to hold in her laughter. Nicholas just rolled his eyes. And we went home after painting.



I woke up today getting excited to hang out with y/n, we had planned to go to a bakery!

I got dressed and walked out of my room and saw camilo and Dolores standing there.

"Oh hi guys! " I said the both looked at each other and looked back at me.

" where have you been going? " Dolores asked. "Uhhhh no where! " I responded sheepishly.

"It's pretty obvious your lieing to us." Camilo responded "yeh I have been hearing you talking to someone but they never respond back." Dolres exclaimed.

I gave an award smile. " uhhhhh I have been....talking to myself!" I laughed a little. Camilo looked at me with a suspicious look. "Oooookayyyy..." I smiled " bye!"I left without looking back .

Y/ns pov

I was standing in front of the bakery that me and mirabel had planned to go to together I had brought my sketch book.

Mirabel said she wanted to see my drawings and wanted advice so here I was. I saw mirabel running twords me.

I waved. " Hi y/n! " mirabel yelled as she stopped running. She was out of breath.

We walked into the bakery got. Cinnamonroll and some cupcakes and went to sit down at a table she looked like she wanted to tell me something.

"Hey y/n?" I looked up. I nodded " so um my family is getting kinda suspicious about where I'm going and who I'm hanging out with so I was wondering can I tell them about you? And would you like to come over for dinner?"

I thought about it for a second. yes I did really wanna meet her family but I was scared to mirbel like always must have noticed and said "hey its okay! They won't judge you! I mean my family gets judged a lot, especially with us having gifts and stuff I think they would like you!" I finally gave in.

"So I'm going to ask my abuela if your whole family can come over for dinner so they can meet you! Does that sound okay?I'm pretty sure she will say yes so I can just come over and tell you when to come over! " mirbel exclaimed excitedly, I nodded I'm agreement.

We finished up our food and left. I would have to go home and ask my family if they would like to go to dinner. I might just have nicholas say it. I was honestly to scared to do it. But I was really excited to meet mirabel's family! And after what mirabel said about there family being judged I felt better about going over to their house.

Tonight I finally get to meet the amazing madrigals!


Heyo! Tysm for reading!

I hope you liked this chapter I plan to do the next one after this one so stay prepared!

It's always been a dream for my stories to be read by people so I hope that dream works out!

Pls tell me if I made any grammar mistakes and tell me what I can do to improve!

Ty for reading! Have a great day or a great night!

Love you! And happy reading!

Word count:1173

" Can I be more than just a friend to you? " Camilo x Reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now