chapter 9. Is he my crush?

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Y/n Pov

I see nicholas whp got all dressed up to go to the madrigals. I grabbed my notebook. "I was only going to drop off the twins."

He looked genuinely pissed. He sighed. " It doesn't even matter really, I already know it was in accident your to good to leave me behind on poon purpose. "

Excuse me? To good? What did he mean. " what do you mean? " I asked.

" ya know, your to much of a good two shoes to do something like that." He rolled his eyes and walked away.

Jeese what was his problem. I just wanted to know why he was getting mad and what he meant.

This man just called me a goody two shoes? I'll show him goody two shoes! I'll murder him!

Wait no. I can't do that. Hey I have an idea! I'll not talk to him. Yes. That will show him how " bad " I am.

I smiled proudly. And went to the kitchen and began to clean the kitchen.

Nicholas pov

I flopped into my bed groaning. Dam it. I wanted to see mirabel. Y/n was sometimes really annoying to be honest.

She was pushy , to nice , doesn't talk enough , I bet she thinks she soooo good at art!

I bet she thinks she's the best at everything. She was such a suck up.

Mabey Marcos was right.

Y/n problary is faking her axiety for attention.

Camilo pov

I don't know if i actually just heard y/n call me pretty boy. Nahhhh. She didn't. She seemed to nice to do that. Well mot to nice but to shy.

But just because she doesn't talk a lot doesn't mean she woudn't....

I could feel my checks burning red. Why do I feel like this? Could it be...?

Nah she's a cool friend, yep an amazing friend. I wa interrupted.

" OMG CAMILO! " I turned around to see a brown haired girl running twords me. She had wavy hair and had blue eyes.

" h-hi Camilo! " she giggled,clearly blushing. I just played along. I winked and kissed her hand.

" Hola darling~ " she shrieked. God it was annoying. " s-s-so do you wanna go on a date?" " Ah sorry buetiful I can't, I have work I must leave now. " I winked and left.

I could hear her shrieking in excitement. I rolled my eyes and continued to walk away.

Y/n pov

I was really tired after cleaning everything so I went up to my room and flopped onto my bed.

And I fell asleep.


I woke up feeling someone holding my waist tightly. I felt someone move and put their face into my chest.

I instantly started blushing, I looked down and saw camilo. His face in my chest. "C-camilo..? " I heard his snuggle even more into my chest.

I tried to get up but Camilo's hand was grabbed aroudn my waist. " hermosa please don't leave...5 more minutes. "I heard him mumble.

My face turned even more red. He finally let go and I got up. About a minute later I heard him get up.

I was standing by my door and was about to leave. I felt Camilo grab his hands around my waist and he buried his face into my neck.

" Can I be more than just a friend to you? " Camilo x Reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now