Chapter 7. Camilo <3

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Mirabel Pov

I walked out of the bathroom to find y/n was no where to be seen.

" Y/N?! " I yelled loudly. I mean I wasn't expecting her to respond but mabey she would come back to me?.

The last time I saw her , she was waiting for me. I sighed . " Great now I have to find her...I have no idea where she could be."I mumbled. I was about to start searching.

" Mirabel? " I spun about and smiled sheepishly. " Hi...? "I said awkwardly while smiling.

It was only nicholas. He looked a bit concerned.

"You good? You seem lost. " " No!yeah! I'm fine!!! " I responded. He sighed.

" I don't see y/n anywhere. Did you lose her? " "yeah-" " she'll be fine. I mean you house is alive right? If she really did get lost casita could just help her out. That's how it works right? "

I nodded "your right she'll be fine... mabey.." " it's good! She'll be good. Wanna hang out? " nicholas looked at me with a warm smile. Waiting for a response.

I scanned him up in down. I never really had time to to be honest.

He must have noticed I was looking him up and down. " Um. Do i have food on my clothes or? "

My face turned a bit red. " No!you don't! Haha sure let's hang out. " I smiled.

Camilo POV

Me and y/n continued to talk for a long time. She had a lot to say! Or write.

Her face turned a red a lot. It was pretty cute.

" your brothers a dick. " I said after she told me everything about her family.

She nodded in agreement. She begin to write. "I know. "

She continued to write down stuff. I got a good look at her.

She was pretty cute for a quiet girl.

We continued to talk and write. " Hey so I was wondering , why did you move? " I asked. She began to write.

" my mom said it would be a good start for me or something like that. Also because apparently because people here had gifts and my tío thought it was fake and my mom wanted to prove them wrong."

I laughed. " My family being the one having the gifts. " she nodded and smiled.

I couldn't help but continue to stare at her a lot.

She was buetiful.


It was really fun to hang out with Camilo. I felt really comfortable around him.

But I couldn't help but notice I always felt his eyes on me. Everytime I wrote down he would watch me. Not just stare it felt as if he was examining me.

My face turned a bright red. I would show him what I wrote, he would talk, ask question, I continue to write more words. Repeated over and over.

" Y/N WE NEED TO LEAVE!!! " I heard my mom yell. Camilo looked over at his door.

" aw I guess you have to leave. " he actually looked pretty sad. He looked back at me and smiled warmly.

My face instantly went red and I began to grab my stuff. I thanked him for talking with me. " see you tommorow? " he asked.

&quot; Can I be more than just a friend to you? &quot; Camilo x Reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now