12. The Party

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Camilo pov

My jaw dropped. She was beautiful.

Y/n's family walked up. " Hola! How are you! " y/ns mother smiled " Hola Camilo! How have you been! Excited for your new baby brother? Or sister? "

I laughed. " I guess we'll find out today huh? " she laughed and they walked off.

Y/n looked at me then turned away. She was adorable-

" hey camilo~ " I tuned to see max. My smile vanished. " What is it max. " "Camilo- don't be so rude now ah? " he said with a smug grin. I glared at him.

" Welcome back. " I said sarcasticly "what were you expecting a red carpet?paparazzi? " Max grinned " actually I was. Everyone loves me so yes chameleon. I was. " He walked into the casita.

GOD. I hated him so much. I bet he thinks y/n loves him.

Max pov

Y/n loves me. I smiled smugly.

Y/n Pov

I saw Camilo greeting guests. He greeted my mother, she seemed to enjoy herself. ( about fbi open up)

The way he looked at me. He looked shocked. Did he think I was ugly? Crap...
I don't know anything about makeup so I had my mom help me. Mabey she also sucked at it.

I saw mirabel running twords me. "Y/n! What's up!" She hugged me. " Hola mirabel! " nicholassaid walking into little reunion.

He blushed. " You look buetiful..." " why thank you my fine man. And you look rather... stunning."mirabel joked. nicholas laughed. He continued to blush.

Did he like her? No offense but i woudnt see them together. They just didn't...well have that bound.

" Ay Camilo! I was just saying hi to y/n!"
Mirabel waved Camilo in. He gladly came over.

My face turned a bit red. I covered my face with my hands.

"Hola princesa! Hey nicholas. " He waved to nicholas. Nicholas waved back. " Let's go! There's a snack table, and I already know camilos hungry..." mirabel laughed.

We started walking twords the snack table but Camilo pulled me aside. " hey..
just letting you know...max is here." He said looking a bit mad.

" fuck.." I mumbled. I slapped my hand under my mouth. I guess Camilo heard me so he burst out laughing.

" PFFFFT- SINCE WHEN DID THE ANGEL START CUSSING. " he continued to laugh causing people to stare. I elbowed him " OW- " I grabbed his hand and pulled him twords were Mirabel and Nicholas were.

I could see Mirabel and Nicholas talking. Nicholas looking in love and.....mirabel.... looking like she was trying to ovoid the conversation.

She turned twords us and waved.
" Heeeeeyy!!!! " I waved. " Their finally doing the gender reveal part of this party!" Mirabel exclaimed excitedly.

I jumped excitedly with mirabel. Me,mirabel,Nicholas, and Camilo headed twords the stairs to see what gender the baby would be. We standed next to Dolores. Who was looking terrified.

Mirabel seemed to notice " you good dolores..? " Dolores slowly turned twords us. " I heard my parents making that child. " me and mirabels eyes widened. Dolores turned back twords the stairs. A single tear dropped.

Mirabel looked disturbed and turned back twords me. " nope. We didn't hear that. " I nodded.

We heard clapping. All the attention twords the stairs. We saw abuela, Pepa, and Felix standing there. Felix's hand around Pepa shoulder the other on her stomach.

They were holding a big white balloon. I felt someone holding my hand, I didn't turn back to see who's it was. It felt like camilos.

Abuela started talking about a new family a new kid blah blah blah. " And now the mother will pop the balloon! "
Clapping and cheering. I turned to see Camilo who looked extremely excited.

I smiled. Dam. He was so cute.

They popped the balloon. Confetti flew everywhere.

_ _ _ _ _ __________ _______________________


I hope the chapter was good :)

SIKE- Let's continue this chapter.

Pink confetti flew everywhere! Cheering was in every corner of the casita. I saw Pepa crying. Felix shooing her cloud away and smiling.

I turned to Camilo. He looked so happy. He looked at me with excitement. " I already have name ideas! " he exclaimed excitedly. He was so cute. I nodded happily.

~Time skip to when everything calmed down and they started partying~

I saw mirabel gathering a bunch of kids our age up. she had me, Camilo, and Nicholas join in. After we had a big group of kids around 14-16 that we knew mirabel said we would play a game.



Camilo's eyes widened and he looked at me. When we noticed I was staring at him already we both looked away quickly.

" RAISE YOUR HAND FOR SPIN THE BOTTLE! " hands rose. I looked over to see Camilo's hand up. Did he wanna kiss someone?

" RAISE YOUR HAND FOR TRUTH OR DARE! " Hands rose. I raised my hand.

" MAJORITY RULES! " I looked down nervously.




Tysm for reading!

And no this isn't a sike lmao-

I'm so sorry for not posting in forever- ( I think like a week ago my last chapter was posted? )

I got sick. NOT COVID.

And I had writers block lol. But I got some good ideas!!!~

I started playing on my Nintendo switch a lot recently to-

Sorry for the short chapter to lol. I apologize!

I hope you guys liked this chapter! Leave me some ideas or what you wanna see right here on this sentance.

Tell me if I made any spelling mistakes or if I did something that made you unhappy with this story.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Have a great day or a great night!

Love you!

Box rolling out.

Word count:  967

Started writing: 12:20 am

Finished: 2:16 am

Posting: 2:17

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