chapter.5 getting ready for dinner

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Mirabel pov

I got home from the bakery after hanging out with y/n I called everyone down and I wanted to make an announcement.

"What is it? " abuela Alma said. " so have you guys noticed i have been leaving a lot" I responded "si, where have you been going?" My mama said. "Well I don't know if you noticed but we have new people in town and I have a new friend named y/n, she's really shy and i told her about all you guys and I was wondering if she could come over for dinner tonight not just her but her whole family, and yes y/n is a girl and she is my age. She's 15" everyone stood there to take it in for how fast I talked.

"Sure mirabel your friend's family can come here. Can you tell me more about her and her family?" My abuela said. So I told them about her whole family how old everyone was and what their names were and everything.

After talking to her about it camilo came up to me. " so. You have been keeping a girl our age as a friend. And don't tell me about it??!?! " he yelled "oh shut up camilo you already have a lot of fangirls who love you, she won't simp for you like all those other girls do." I responded back " and hoe do you know that for sure?what if she does?I mean I am perfect and buetiful in every way " "oh shut up camilo" I rolled my eyes and walked away I needed to go tell y/n that she could come over!

Y/n pov

After telling nicholas everything and him telling our family everything they agreed to dinner. My mom was really happy about it. She said that I was making new friends and I was finally getting out of my shell. Well mother my shell is very comfy and I would like to stay in it but whatever.

I heard knocking on the door.i answered it and it was mirabel! " hey  y/n! Wanna walk around town with me?" I nodded and told my mother I was leaving and we headed out.

" so my abuela said your family could come over for dinner! What did your mom say? " I nodded saying that she said yes. We continued to walk around town.

"Ay! Mirabeeeeel! Holaaaaaaaa" I looked up and saw a boy our age walking twords us. Mirabel rolled her eyes " That's Martin what a dumb name. He's a jerk ignore him." She whisperd. I nodded and looked back down.

" ay mirabel I never knew that such an ugly person could be friends with such a buetiful chicka!" He grabbed my face lifting it up. My face turned bright red from embarrassment which caused me to make a squeaking sound.

Mirbel grabbed his hand off my face and threw it " get away Martin, you won't be playing games with my friend." She glared at him. He smirked "but she's so buetiful? I will make her my wife. " he winked at me.

Dam was he ugly. Mirabell rolled her eyes. " shut up martin leave us alone." He grabbed her face " hm? Is it because your jealous that I want her and not you? Hm if she doesn't want me I could bang your mirabel looked disgusted "
what the hell Martin let go of me " she tried to push him off but he gripped her tight. Causing me shake in fear.

" give me a kiss first mirbel? You know you aren't so ugly after all" he said. Mirabel looked disgusted and tried to push him off. He leaned in to kiss her but someone grabbed by his shirt and lifted him up.

" don't.touch.them." it was nicholas! Nicholas was really tall compared to him. Martin started shaking in fear. I was relived.

" I SWEAR I WON'T TOUCH THEM I'M SORRY I WON'T EVER GO CLISE TO THEM PLEASE JUST LET ME GOOOOO" he pleaded he started crying. " what's your name? " nicholas asked "m-m-m-martin..." he responded in fear. "What a dumb name."nicholas dropped him. Martin fell to the and got up immediately and squirmed away.

"You guys okay?" He asked. Mirbel nodded "thanks nich" " yeh no problem but dam that kid has a sad name" "THATS WHAT I SAID" mirbel responded " what about you? You okay?" I nodded "let's go home please" I said quietly but nicholas heard me. "Sure."

Time skip to dinner

I got all dressed up fancy cause my mom made me. We had just left the house and started walking to mirabels house.

Some how my mom knew where it was.
Me knocked and mirabel opened the door.

" y/n!welcome and hello y/ns family please come in!"


Thank you for reading!

This one was a little shorter than most of my story's but it's okay...I think?

Anyway I'm gonna make another camilo x reader story but with a different character personality! I will still be posting on this one to ofc.

Tell me if I made any mistakes or if i misspent anything at all!!

Have a great day or night!

Love you!!!

Box person rolling out.

Word count: 873

" Can I be more than just a friend to you? " Camilo x Reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now