chapter 6. dinner

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Camilo Pov

I saw mirabel walk in with some girl. Another person to tease. I was a about about say but the second I looked at them but they were gone. Dang it! Eh whatever I saw some other kids my age and decided to go say hi.

Y/n pov

Mirbel showed me everyone and everything. I was really impressed!

" So that's everyone! Wait no that isn't...who am I forgetting" mirbel said confusely. " Oh! Camilo! "

" CAMILO WHERE ARE YOU " mirbel shouted. " Castita help me out? " the floor pushed us twords a boy who looked our age.

The boy looked over at us " Mirabel? Who is is this hermosa princesa?" (Buetiful princess) the boy said with a sly smile.

Maribel rolled her eyes " this is y/n! The friend I was talking about!"

I waved. The boy grabbed my hand and kissed it " ay I am the amazing camilo but you can call me yours " Camilo said while he winked. ( couldn't find anything to say im sorry)

Mirbel rolled her eyes. While my face was turning a bit bright pink. "Quit trying to hit on y/n dumbass " mirabel said.

" Wait what was y/n's last name? You never told me? " Camilo asked " um it's l/n- why? "Mirabel responded.

"Sorry y/n I dont really like your last name it would be better as mine " he had a smug smile on his face.

" oh my God Camilo shut upppp " mirbel groaned " your embarrassing us come on y/n lemme show you around more "

Camilo laughed behind us as we walked away. Mirabel must of noticed my face was a bright red. " sorry about him he's weird "

I looked at mirabel and smiled and again I had left my notebook at home...again I had to talk but it wasn't much of a problem I liked talking to mirabel. She didn't make me uncomfortable. "It's fine really!" I responded.

Mirabel gasped " yay!your talking more!" I smiled and responded " it's all thank to you mirabel.really. thank you."

Mirabel smiled " your welcome y/n. "

Time skip to dinner

We began to eat and I was really nervous someone would ask me something. I was comfortable talking to mirabel but not really anyone else...well except nicholas.

I looked who I was sitting next to and I was right in the middle of mirbel and Isabel. As I looked forward I saw that Camilo was sitting in front of me.

Camilo looked not like any other boy I had met. Most boys would bow down on their knees saying how much they loved me even though I didn't know them. Mirabel said it was because I was buetiful.

Camilo must of noticed I was staring at him he looked and me and did his dumb smug smile.

" ay princesa can't get enough of me already hm? " he said with a wink. Of course no one else heard but me.

My face turned a bit red as I looked down and ate. I wasn't looking up but I knew that he was staring at me. I could feel his eyes on me.

Camilo pov

I stared at the girl in front of me as she ate. Why wasn't she responding? Most girls I knew would start squealing if I ever said that to them.

Her face did turn a bit red though. Is that her way of showing me she loves me? Probably. I mean I am buetiful I already know that couldn't blame her.

Time skip to after dinner adult's were all talking together.

I walked super y/n she looked kind of lost. " princesa why don't you talk? " she just looked at me and looked away. " what is this girl's deal? Why didn't she respond?

"Hello? Do you not hear me? " she looked at me again and nodded. So she does hear me...I wonder why she isn't responding?

" don't worry about her she's just a freak " a boy who looked a year older than me walked in " I'm Marcos y/ns older brother I'm 16. " "Camilo mirabels cousin" I looked over at y/n " why doesn't she respond? " I asked " her? Like i said she's just a good for nothing worthless freak." Marcos replied.

I looked over at y/n she looked hurt. "Like your one to talk..."she had mumbled it so Marcos didn't hear it but I did. " sometimes she will talk to try to talk back to me. But she's nothing but a scared pest." Marcos once again had to add in.

" I'm not..." she mumbled again but I think he heard her this time.

"What? What is this? The freak said something? Your nothing but a worthless brat." Marcos added in " I bet you fake having this social disorder mom talk about. You just do it for attention don't you? "

Y/ns face started turning a bit red I could see tears in her eyes. " YOUR NOTHING BUT A MIST- " "Calm down." I said before Marcos could finish his sentance, y/n looked up as if she was shocked I had something back to him.

"What? I'm just saying the truth" Marcos said. I glared. That guy was really hee brother? He ducked at being one.

Y/n pov

I looked up kinda shocked that Camilo had said something I mean I just met him I didn't except him to defend me."

" Marcos just leave." Camilo said his smug smile was gone. "Party pooper." Marcos said before leaving.

Camilo looked at me. "Social axitey? And all this time I thought you hated me princesa." He laughed a bit while saying that. I shook my head.

He gave me a warm smile " you seem lonely wanna hang out? " I smiled and nodded. "Lemme show you my room if mirabel haven't already." I followed him up to his room.

After walking in He sat down on his bed and grabbed my waist and sat my down on his bed to " you seem like you wanna talk but your to nervous to. Soooo lemme get something real quick princesa." He pulled out a notebook and pen and gave it to me.

"Thank you :) " I wrote down "no problem princesa " he laughed. So let's make a deal. Tell me more about your family and I tell you about mine." I nodded and began to write in my notebook. We wrote and talked for hours.


Heyo!!!! Tysm for reading

Sorry if this chapter sucked I'm really tired while writing this.

It is 5:04 am right now and no I did not wake up early I'm just staying up late.

I might post another chapter tommirow but i don't think I will have time to.

Anyway! Let me know if I made any mistakes or errors! Also tell me anything you would like to see in the next chapter!

Have a great day or a great night!

Love you and happy reading!

Box person rolling out.

Word count: 1160

" Can I be more than just a friend to you? " Camilo x Reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now