Chapter 10: The Wrong Shade

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The music is loud, blasting from speakers distributed along the massive house, not helping the headache that has been pulling me away from any thoughts that require extensive effort since I left my house. My home. For once, it feels like I had a reason to go back.

I take the drink the girl in front of me is offering and politely excuse myself, leaving before she can try to drag me back and continue flirting, spitting a bunch of nonsense. I push my way through the overcrowded living room, my eyes glancing in every direction. Searching.

"Hey! Asher, I didn't think Aiden was for real when he said you'd be here, I haven't seen you in one of these things for ages" Ryan, a collegue from basketball, pulls me into an embrace, taking my hand and giving me a strong pat on the back. I keep glancing behind him, as if auburn hair could fly across my vision in an instant, and be gone the next.

"Thanks, man" I say "Listen, I need to find the birthday girl" His eyebrows arch in confusion "Rose. Do you know where she could be?"

He gives me a smirk, one telling me he thinks I'm up to no good "Yeah, I think she's outside. Check the pool"

I mutter a quick thanks and start towards the large sliding doors leading to the garden. The house is huge. The garden is even bigger. I find myself anxious from the knowledge it may take me a while to find Rose.

"Hey, Ash!" I glance back at Ryan in question, my feet pulling me in the opposite direction, a force I make myself fight for a few seconds.

"She's dating Jason. I just mean, she might not want to- do anything." At my lack of response, he keeps talking "Look, I'm not telling you not to go for it, she'll probably shag you if she's anything like other girls-"

"She isn't"

"Okay, whatever, just consider if it's worth it for the fight you're bound to have with Jason after" A sigh "There are other girls. Emily is really hot. She was flirting with you a minute ago"

I walk away, letting my voice carry itself back to him "I don't want anyone else"

As I step through the gliding doors, I see her. She's leaning against the edge of the swimming pool, steam arising around her and catching on the warm light emerging from the pool lights. Her skin glows, and her hair falls around her, almost black from the water. She looks surreal, surrounded by people dancing outside the pool in their short dresses, bikinis or jeans and tees, her alone in a steaming pool. Her dress is long, flowing. A creamy white with thin straps holding it to her frame on her shoulders. Her chest and torso is hugged by the material reaching her waist, where it drops down, covering her legs while holding itself in the water with a gracefulness only she seems to muster. I can't seem to stop staring. My headache is gone, replaced by a pounding heart, a heat all over my body.

What is wrong with me?

Her eyes travel along everyone with disinterest, until they fall upon me. When green eyes clash with mine, she smiles.
I think I might fall to my knees. And beg. Beg her to save me from myself.

She waves me over and my feet fall into step without a second thought, making it to her side, where she turns her head to face me.

"Fancy a swim?"

"I don't have swimming stuff. Or a towel"

She gestures down at herself, in that dress, as if saying, I didn't either. For a moment, I contemplate denying such a tempting offer. Jason is here somewhere. He'd kill me if he spotted us together. But I find myself not caring. I find myself pulled towards those green eyes, memorised, as if in a trance, walking to the benches, pulling my shirt above my head, kicking my shoes off, diving into the water.

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