Chapter 12: The tension between us

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A/N : Hi! I just edited this chapter to get rid of some small spelling errors but the plot is the same :)

I stare at the open window in Rose's bedroom, breathing in the soft smell of lilacs growing in her front garden. Somehow, when I offered to walk her home, she didn't decline. Somehow, along the way, she asked me if I wanted to come inside; for the coffee, nothing else of course. I grin to myself as I remember the smile she sent my way. Full of mischief. Somehow, between then and now, this room has tripled in tension. Of course, I'm aware that a guy usually makes the first move, but how do the rules work when the significant other has a partner? I can't stop thinking about her now that I've admitted to her, and to myself, that I have feelings for her. I did make it obvious, right? Somewhere along all the time we've spent talking, I've realized I want her.

With a groan, I run my hands through my hair, leaving it messy.

"Wow, you should make that a look"

I turn to face the door, where Rose stands with two steaming cups of coffee, hers black, like that day we sat in the diner and she chugged it down like water. All of a sudden, I'm back to that unusual nervous state I was that day.

"What?" I ask.

"That messy, I-just-got-out-of-bed-look, it should definitely be a look" She walks until she's standing right in front of me "You look good"

"I-" I take a steadying breath and take my cup of coffee from her hands, trying hard not to walk backwards to give myself some space "I know, right?"

She laughs outright at my attempt at cockiness. Usually, it comes naturally, the high sense of confidence that I don't need anybody to tell me I look good, because I already know. Now, I feel like the shy kid. I feel like she'd standing 100 metres above the ground and I'm on ground level. I marvel at how that could be, when she stands at a 5'5 and I'm at 6'1.

"Ash" Rose stops laughing "Why are you looking at me like that?"

I hasn't realized I was looking at her any way at all. But looking into her eyes now, it strikes me, hard and fast, her beauty. Her intelligence. Her perseverance. And existing in her presence seems intoxicating.

Suddenly, it seems so simple.  

I take her chin and lift it up to meet my eyes "Because you're beautiful. And you're strong. And I can't seem to get enough of you"

All of a sudden, the room has warmed 10 degrees. A promise fills the air. Rose takes in a deep breath, as if composing herself. Slowly, red crawls up her neck, pinking her cheeks and ears, making me smile.

"I didn't think somebody could be so cute when they blushed" I mutter.

Rose shakes her head, releasing a trembling breath "You can't expect cringy lines to work on me" The way she says it makes me stop short.

"I'm not trying to make them 'work on you'." I air-quote "I'm saying what I'm thinking. Or half of it at least. You don't want to know the other half. At least, I don't think so. It wouldn't seem very gentleman-y and-"

"Nervous again?" The smile she gives me is reassuring "Don't worry, I don't bite"

When she steps closer, I think I stop breathing. My face is inches away from hers. I can smell the soft vanilla from her auburn hair. I wonder if I can buy that shampoo. Just to have when she isn't around. I wonder if there's such a thing as Rose's scent bottled up, because I would spend a fortune on it. I can hear her gentle breathing. The warmth of her exhale hitting the collar of my shirt. When she looks at me, I know this is it. This is when I lean down and kiss her. This is when I tell her nothing she could say could make me leave.

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