I can't believe we were late, of course we were. Dad just had to work an extra hour at the pizza place.
"I'm sorry my boy I'll walk in with you if you like?" He said in his rich Italian accent.
"Okay" was all I managed to reply. Great now I'm walking into a class full of kids late and with my dad.We parked up in the car park and walked through the empty halls to my classroom. We met the teacher outside, she had long blonde hair and blue eyes.
"Hello" she smiled down at me before looking up at my dad. She batted her eyelashes at him just like every woman does to my dad. My mom argues with him about it all the time.Eventually after they had a nice flirt outside I was finally let into the classroom. I wanted the floor to swallow me up whole when I looked onwards at the swarm of kids staring at me. How do teachers do this? I played with my fingers nervously as my eyes scanned the room. I could hear my heartbeat in my head and I felt as though I was going to pass out. I didn't even hear what the teacher was rambling on about all I heard was her say my name. A few kids laughed at me as I made my way down the row of Desks. I had no idea which seat to chose, which kids would even allow me to sit near them. That's when I finally saw an empty seat at the end of the classroom. I wanted to sprint towards it and dive in it desperate to just blend in but my feet wouldn't move any faster. Once I sat down a fluffy brown haired boy looked in my direction.
"Hi I'm Harvey and this is Charlie" he said with a grin. I've been here before, he's being fake, he wants to befriend the weird quiet kid to make himself look better. But then again I can't be rude.
"I'm Sam" I replied nervously playing with my fingers under the desk but they both definitely saw. The boy who I'm assuming was Charlie waved at me with the sleeve of his red hoodie. My eyes then turned back to the front of the classroom.Half way through the biology lesson Harvey turned to me again.
"Hey" he whispered.
"Hm?" I replied nervous of what was about to come out of his mouth.
"Wanna eat lunch with us today?" He asked. No one had ever asked me that before. Not even the kids that pretend to be friends with me.
"Um sure" I replied smiling a little.
"Great! I brought extra lunch in case you don't have any you can always have some of mine" he smiled.
He was so lovely. And he meant it.At lunch all three of us chose a table near the door to sit at. Mainly because it was the closest one but also because it was pretty much the only clean one.
"What's everyone got for lunch then?" Charlie asked.
"I have ham sandwiches with cheese on" Harvey said with a mouth full of sandwich.
"Nice I have just cheese" Charlie responded. The pair looked towards me.
"What do you have?" Harvey asked.
"Um my dads home made penne pasta" I said opening the plastic box containing the food.
The pair went silent whilst looking at me.
"Cool!" Charlie blurted out.
"Yeah my dad ownes the Italian restaurant down the street" I said happily. No one had ever spoken to me like this before.
"That's so cool" Harvey grinned."I bet I can throw my juice box into the bin from here" Charlie said excitedly. He threw it and it did in fact go into the bin.
"Pfft I can do it from further" Harvey said standing back from the table and getting his in too.
"Go on Sam" Charlie nodded towards me flicking my empty juice box.
"Okay" I grinned throwing the box, but it missed the bin and hit a girl right in the head. I gasped staring in shock and horror as she began to storm up to me with another girl next to her."What do you think you're playing at?!" She said angrily.
"I- it was an accident I didn't mean to I swear" I panicked.
"God get better aim" she huffed throwing the juice box in the bin. I looked towards Harvey and sam for a bit of back up but they were both looking at the girls in awe as if two royal highnesses had just stood in front of our very table."Anyway we're sitting here, move over shakey" she said plonking herself next to me.
"Im Isabelle and this is Freya" she said pointing towards a brown haired girl. There was an awkward silence.
"This is usually when you respond" Isabelle said.
"Im Harvey" he gushed not taking his eyes off Freya who rubbed her arm awkwardly picking drinking her milkshake.
"Charlie" Charlie responded I could tell that was the only word he could manage to say as he stared at Isabelle.
"Yeah um I'm sam" I said rolling my eyes at the love struck pair."So are you two like best friends then?" Charlie said shooting a very obvious smirk to Harvey.
"Oh actually we're sisters" Freya responded, her voice was somewhat high pitched and she fiddled with the hem of her brown skirt. She had a green headband in her long straight brown hair and her sister sat perched next to her in her denim overalls.
"Even better" Charlie muttered.
"What?" Isabelle questioned.
"Oh um I said are you better?...to Sam I mean he wasn't feeling to good earlier" he lied kicking me under the table to play along.
"Yeah I'm Really sick" I said fake coughing.
"Ew" Isabelle retorted.

The beanbag boys
HumorA group of young friends that unexpectedly come together In middle school trying to get by in the big big world that is reality. Rejection, heartbreak, bad grades and acne are just a few of the downsides of a thing called growing up.