I got to the dance wearing a white polo shirt and some jeans with my hair gelled to the side. As soon as I stepped in I immediately headed for a table in the corner. The first ones here were Isabelle and Freya, Freya was sat with who I assume is that guy max that Harvey hates and Isabelle walked straight over to me. She was wearing flared jean pants with a white crop top and white doc martins. She looked so cute.
"Hey" I said as she reached the table.
"Hey, how come you're sat way back here?" She asked.
"I don't really do well in crowds" I shrugged.
"Aw shakey are you scared?" She asked mockingly.
"I'm not scared I just don't like it" I muttered.
"Look why don't we go dance?" She asked.
"Isabelle I don't like it" I repeated.
"Not even if I go with you?" She continued.
"Nope" I said popping the p.
"Not even if I hold your hand?" She continued holding out her hand.
I looked down at it and then back up at her devilish grin. She really wasn't going to let this go and if she was willing to hold my hand she must be desperate.
"Fine" I caved grabbing her hand as she pulled me up and lead me to the dance floor.As we were walking all I could see were staring faces. All eyes were on me and I wanted the ground to swallow me up. I thought having Isabelle here would help but it somehow didn't change a thing. My breathing quickened and I ended up tripping over a boys leg. He quickly turned around and I jumped startled backing away still losing control of my breathing.
"Watch it!" He hissed as Isabelle watched.
"Watch what?" Isabelle questioned.
"Your boyfriend tripped over my leg" the boy said squaring up to her.
"Okay and? Are you hurt?" She asked looking up at him.
"No pfft nothing hurts me" he said looking back at his two friends. That was when Isabelle kicked him in the balls and he fell to the floor.
He whined a pathetic whine and gripped the inside of his legs.
"I thought nothing hurts you?" She said mockingly kneeling down to the boys level.
"If you'd have just kept your mouth shut this wouldn't of happened would it? Next time keep your legs out of his way" she said standing back up plastering a smile on her face."Come on" she grinned taking my hand again and leading me further onto the dance floor.
We began to dance together and I have to admit it was fun but as more and more people joined it became overwhelming and I stupidly ended up running straight for the bathrooms.

The beanbag boys
HumorA group of young friends that unexpectedly come together In middle school trying to get by in the big big world that is reality. Rejection, heartbreak, bad grades and acne are just a few of the downsides of a thing called growing up.