Olsen?! (EO)

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A/n: one-shot inspired by a lot of TikTok I don't know who started this trend but credits to them.
Y/n: your name
Y/l/n: your last name

You and Elizabeth were together since high school, you grew up together. Both of your family knew about you two relationships they were very supportive since day one. Your close friends knew too but that's about all, you decided the first time you had a role in a movie to keep your relationship a secret.

Not that any of you were ashamed, it was so no rumor would be made. You know your peace won't last long since you just got a big role in Captain America civil war.

"What you're thinking about love?" Lizzie asked sitting beside you on your couch. You just moved to your apartment in Atlanta, you were renting it for your time filming the movie. "Just our relationship. Also, Emma wants to visit she called while you were in the shower." You answered turning around to face her.

"Here in Atlanta? Or when we get back to Los Angeles?" She asked putting all her attention on you. "While we're in Berlin."

"I don't see the problem it's been a while since we saw Watson." She answered with a smile, yes you're friends with Emma Watson, you played in the Harry Potter movies. Little summaries of your career you played Susan Pevensie in The Chronicles of Narnia. In parallel, you played an important role in Harry Potter from the goblet of fire to the deathly allows part 2. More recently you played in The Hunger Games Saga.

Plus some roles in independent movies, but these are the big ones, the ones that made your face known in magazines and interviews. And now a role as a superhero in marvel, you knew paparazzi won't stop following you and watch your every move which will make it harder for you and Lizzie to hide your relationship.

"Did you-" You started saying but was cut off by lips smashing on yours. "Yes, I told Scarlett not to say a word, just like the last couple of years." Lizzie chuckled leaning down to snuggle into you.

"You sound a bit off by that." You observed stroking her hair. "It's just, they're like family. I'm tired to invite them home when you're not here or to have to present you as my friend. I trust them." Lizzie explained playing with your fingers.

"I just want to do what you're comfortable to do, if you trust them enough to tell them then we're telling them. I won't be against kissing you whenever I want, or holding your hand just because I can." You said making her smile and kiss your neck softly.

"We'll wait a bit for them to open up to you as a costar then I want to tell them." Lizzie decided making you hum in agreement. "Babe?"


"I'm hungry, but I'm lazy." She mumbled making you chuckle. "Why don't we go grab something to eat at the little restaurant around the corner?"


It's been a few months since you started filming Captain America Civil War, you were now in Berlin which means Emma was here too.

Lizzie and you still didn't say anything about your relationship, it never felt like the right moment. Of course, Scarlett would tease you with side comments that only you and Lizzie could understand.

It was one of your days off and you decided to pass it with some of the avenger cast. Rdj, Chris, Mackie, Sebastian, Scarlett, Tom, Emma, Jeremy, Paul and finally you and Lizzie were at a small park.

You wanted to do a barbecue since it was summer, unfortunately, you were only four women for seven men. So a lot of testosterone was in the air going from who cooks the meat better to girls talk. You secretly joined them to talk about girls, Lizzie didn't mind you two would sometimes respectively admire women together.

And a lot of teasing happened to poor Tom Holland, being only 19 in a group of adults didn't help. Lots of love were behind the teasing though, he kind of knew about you and Lizzie. And kind of means he knew everything, he may have caught you and Lizzie sneaking around to kiss last week.

Lizzie tried to explain to him what he saw but just ended up rambling and telling him everything so there's that. He swears to keep it a secret until you told the rest of the cast ourselves.

"Come on kid pass the ball!" You said to Tom, you two were playing football (soccer in us). Emma, Scarlett, and Lizzie were talking with the guys a little further away. "Dude y/n, she's amazing. Acting for her is second nature." Mackie said to Sebastian.

"Are you having a crush on her?" Stan joked taking a sip from his beer. This makes Lizzie listen attentively to their discussion. "Pff I don't have a crush."

"Oh man you do." Sebastian laughed patting Mackie on his shoulder. "Hey, Lizzie do you know if y/l/n is free, my buddy here thinks she's hot."

It makes Lizzie's blood boil, she wasn't jealous often. But when she was it was hard to know her reaction. "Darling you shouldn't have said that." Emma warned them seeing how Lizzie's jaws gritted together.

"What? Why?" Anthony asked eying them. "Big mistake." Scarlett said while Lizzie get up walking towards both men. It catches the attention of the rest of the cast and they came closer to know what is happening. Tom who was picking the ball that roll near them eye the scene. "Oh, this is going to be fun." He chuckled earning a slap on the head by Scarlett.

"She's taken, and by the way her name is y/n Olsen." She muttered making her way to you. "Olsen?!" Everyone that didn't know exclaimed at the same time, while Lizzie pulls you in a kiss being cheered by Scarlett, Emma, and Tom.

The next day the whole world knew about you two being married, Tom had forgotten to turn the lives he was doing on Instagram off when you two were playing together. You didn't mind, at least you didn't have to hide anymore.

First reader x character os that I wrote.
It will be smaller chapters than my other imagines book.

Also, the career reader have will be the same if she's an actress in others chapters unless I state otherwise.

Request are open here or in private whatever you prefer-->

And finally, I have other marvel stories, I would be really thankful if you go check them out. Thanks for reading this.

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