Something happened part 2 (WM&NR)

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Even if Natasha was really excited about the baby at first, you notice that she was slowly pulling away. Wanda noticed too and every time you two tried to talk about it to the Russian she brush it off as tiredness and got back to what she was doing.

Everyone in the compound knew about your situation, they were all very happy about it. But being seven months pregnant was exhausting, you were now waddling around and not walking. You had backache that Natasha used to massage away but not anymore.

Making your way into the kitchen because you were hungry again in the middle of the night you put the light on. You see that Natasha is already here taking a smoothie out of the fridge. "You're not sleeping with us again... What is it am I taking too much place with my belly?" You ask chuckling awkwardly because you didn't find this situation funny, not at all.

"No, I fell asleep on the couch, sorry." The Russian answered looking everywhere but where you are. "I'm going to run." She then said, going to leave past you but you grip her arm pulling her in front of you.

"What's going on love? I don't recognize you anymore. I-I miss you." You tell her truthfully your eyes brimming with punished tears. "What are you talking about Y/n, I'm right here."

"You're not. Maybe your body is, but the Natasha I know isn't. And I need her, because we're having a baby together." You explained trying to stroke her cheek but she slightly pull away. Your hand land on your belly, and you stroke it instead. "Are we? Having a baby together I mean. Because she's growing in your body Y/n and it was thanks to Wanda's magic."

"Is that really what you're thinking ?" Wanda's voice came from behind you. She passes the threshold and went directly to Natasha with a determined face. She takes you both by surprise when she hugs her tightly. "I'm sorry we didn't saw it sooner любовь." (lyublyu --> love)

Silent tears fall on Natasha's cheeks and you start to really worry about your girlfriend. Wanda pulls away wiping Natasha's cheek and kissing her forehead multiple times. "She's yours too Natasha. You're as much her mother as we are. It wasn't just my magic that made it happen it was our love." Wanda continued taking your hand to pull you near them.

"Wands right Tasha. That night we felt so complete and happy and full of happiness that's what happened. It wasn't just mine and Wanda's love it was yours too. Without you, we don't feel complete anymore. Look at us we're all in the kitchen in the middle of the night because we knew we were missing a piece of us in our bed." You said placing one of the redhead's hands on your baby bump.

"I tried to back off. To let you two be but I can't it hurts so bad to be distant. It hurts, please." Natasha pleaded taking rushing breaths in between sobs. "It's okay, you're okay. We're all going to be fine." Wanda reassured her.

"You need to breathe baby. Why don't you help me exercise my breathing." You help Natasha calms her breathing imposing her a slow deep rhythm. When she was calm she immediately drop to her knees cradling your belly.

Wanda smiled sadly at you but her face is full of relief. Even if this moment hurt you finally have Natasha back. "прости меня, принцесса." The redhead mumbled in Russian kissing your baby bump. (prosti menyia, printsessa. --> Forgive me, princess.)

Natasha sniffed before getting up, you reach for her cheek again but this time she leans against it. "Promise us to come toward us the next time you feel insecure about your place in this relationship. We'll remind you that you're everything to us, and that you matter way earlier than now."

"I promise." You nod happy with her answer then you lean into a loving kiss. "Good now, come into bed because she misses cuddling with you."

You take both Natasha's and Wanda's hands pulling them to your room. You lay down on your back with a pillow to help you adjust, then Natasha snuggles on your side an arm wrapped around your baby and her head in your neck. Wanda slid behind Natasha spooning her and stroking her hips softly.

When Natasha's hand stays more than a minute against your belly you felt the difference. It was like your daughter felt the presence of her three moms.




You sat in the rocking chair in the corner of the room watching amusedly at your girlfriends fighting over which color to make the baby's room. "Why don't you do both uh? We have four walls do one green, one yellow, and let the two other white." You proposed

"I could work with it." Natasha agreed leaning on Wanda's shoulder. "Me too."


"Do you have everything?" Wanda worried looking over the diaper bag. You three thought it would be better to go to a real hospital to give birth. Bruce was okay doing the check-up and ultrasound but he never helped a pregnant woman to give birth before and you didn't want to try your luck.

"Wanda baby relax. My due date is only in three weeks. And the bags are all ready to go." You reassured the brunette. And it was true Natasha was currently putting one of the bags in her car, another one was in Wanda's car and the last one would stay in your room.

"Done!" Natasha exclaimed coming into the room. She flopped on the bed next to you kissing you before watching Wanda rearrange the bag.


"It's okay just breathe. It's going to be okay." Wanda put her hand on your belly when you grunt in pain again. "It's not okay! My body is getting ready to expulse a baby, Maximoff!" You exclaimed holding onto the handle of the door.

"How I'm happy to drive." Natasha chuckled receiving a death glare from you. You were in pain and didn't appreciate her humor right now. "And we're here."

The redhead park the car in front of the hospital then helps you get out of it and slide her arm around your waist. Wanda follows behind with your bag.


"She's beautiful." Wanda mumbled playing with the tiny hand of your daughter. Her eyes glistened with happy tears. You lean against Natasha who was cradling your baby girl's head. "I'm proud of you." She kissed your forehead.

"Novaya 'Nova' Luna Romanoff." You mumbled looking at Wanda with a knowing smile and then looking at your other girlfriend to see her reaction. You three chose to call her Novaya translating into Nova which can mean New star. And that's what the baby is your new star.

The family name on the other hand was all you and Wanda doing. You knew even if she didn't show it anymore Natasha was still slightly insecure about her place in the family and you both wanted her to understand how much important she was.

"Romanoff." The redhead breathed out, her lips curling in a pout much like Yelena when she was emotive. She nods smiling widely with a happy tear making its way down her cheek.


You were taking a nap because you were exhausted, Natasha was sitting on the chair next to you. Wanda sitting on her lap leaning against her chest with Nova in her arms. The brunette slowly caresses her daughter's cheek with the pad of her index finger.

She felt extremely happy one of her girlfriends had just given birth to her baby girl, while the other was peppering kisses all over her shoulder and neck. "We love you so much, Nova." She said kissing her forehead.

Okay so I didn't plan to make a part 2 but I just had this idea and I had to write it before I lost it. So yeah double update.

NR, SJ, EO, and WM x reader imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now