Nuggies! (SJ)

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A/n: Scarlett had Rose in 2017, not 2014 here. Also, she had her baby alone with a sperm donor because she felt like it was the right time to start a family even if she was alone at the time.

Scarlett was doing interviews all day today and since it was a Saturday you stayed at home to watch over Rose. She wasn't yours per say, but you love being her step-mom. The kid is the sweetest you ever met, she could brighten up your day just with a smile.

The amount of love you feel for Scarlett is incalculable but what you feel for Rose is inexplicable. You were by her side since she was one and now she's four and a half. Scarlett was scared at first that you would run away because of Rose, and you have to be honest having to take care of a kid scared you at first.

She could die or hurt herself in so many ways that you were always behind her. There was this time when you went on a vacation with Scarlett, and Rose was a little over two. The little blonde tried to sit next to you on a bench to eat her meal, but she didn't grip the table in front of her well enough and lost her balance.

It was like a slow-motion seeing her fall and you not being quick enough to avoid her head falling first on the hardwood under her. It took Scarlett twenty minutes to calm her down and ten more to take a good look at the bump on her head.

So to be honest loving a tiny human terrified you, but it also brings you so much joy. And doing it all with Scarlett is incredible.

"Y/n/n I'm hungry." Rose said from next to you on the couch. You had played all afternoon and now you were chilling in front of a movie to calm down. "I am too. What do you want to eat then?"

"Dunno." She shrugged her shoulders playing with the ear of her favorite plushie. It's Idéfix from Astérix et Obélix. It's not well known in the United States but it is in France. Scarlett and you went to the amusement park Asterix, it was on one of your first dates, and in one of the stores she found this plushie since then Rose never left it.

"Pasta?" You asked she only shrug with a small grimace. "Yeah, I'm not in the mood either. Okay, let me go see what we have." She kneels on the couch watching you go to the kitchen, you open the fridge scanning the food over. Damn it Scarlett and her healthy food.

"We have veggies." You said popping your head from behind the fridge's door and seeing Rose's unimpressed face. "No, got it. Ah ha, look what I've got here." You said happily showing her the box of nuggets. Rose squeals happily hopping off the couch and running to you.

"Nuggies!" She yells bouncing on her heels. You nod getting a pan out. "We're gonna eat nuggies." You shake your hips dancing with the four years old.

"We like nuggies because they're yummy." Rose sing your nuggets song. It was like a tradition now, every time you eat nuggets together you'll sing and dance. Facing each other you shake your heads and hips, letting all your silliness out over some food. It was just your luck that Scarlett got home at this moment.

"What Am I witnessing." She giggles a hand over her mouth. You smile at her and held out your hand. "It's our nuggets song come dance with us."

She drops her purse and keys on the kitchen counter not hesitating to join you both. The three of you jump around for a moment with Rose singing the nuggies song over and over. When the little blonde got tired she flopped on the stairs still bopping her head a little.

"I love you." Scarlett smiles wrapping her arms around your shoulders. "I love me too." You smile smugly after kissing her quickly, Scarlett rolls her eyes annoyed before she lets go of you to go see Rose.

You start cooking while watching Scarlett and Rose cuddle on the stairs. When it's ready you put the nuggets on plates. "Dinner's ready loves."

"Gimme, gimme." Rose makes grabby hands at her plastic plate which makes you and Scarlett chuckle. "Here you go, be careful please." You take yours and Scarlett's plate following Rose to the living room.

"So did you have fun today?" Scarlett asked Rose sitting next to her on the couch. Rose hums nodding her little hand picking a piece from her plate. "We had fun. Want more Y/n/n!"

"Yeah, I want more Rosie's day too." You add making Scarlett pout. "What about me day?"

"It can be Y/n and Mommy's day tomorrow?" Rose asked wanting to please everyone. When you all finish eating Scarlett brings Rose to the downstairs, bathroom while you clean the plates. "All ready for bed." Scarlett said with a sleepy Rose in her arms.

"All right then, goodnight Rose." You kiss her forehead, and she waves at you. You were going to settle on the couch waiting for your girlfriend but a white plushie caught your eye. "She's asking for you tonight." Scarlett sighs walking downstairs.

"I've got her. Go relax I'll be right back." You answered picking Idéfix from the ground and getting upstairs. "Y/n/n." You could hear Rose mumble from her room making you smile widely.

"Hey, cheeky it's time for bed." She shakes her head wiping her hair from her face. "You just want some more love uh?" You asked tucking her in.

"Love you Y/n/n." She mumbled rolling on her side to face you. You give her Idéfix and kiss her forehead. "I love you too Rose, have a good night."

"Night night." You stay there watching her fall asleep for a minute before you make your way downstairs. "And she's finally out, God I love her but she makes me feel like a grandma. I'm exhausted." You sigh sitting next to Scarlett on the couch.

"Come here." She laughs pulling you in her arms. You get comfy against her, her hand playing with your hair. "She loves you very much too. I think I have to be careful or she might steal you." Scarlett teased you.

"Not a chance I'm all yours." You smile back kissing her sweetly.

Little cute os for you all. Also the nuggies dance is something that I do with my godson and it drives his mom crazy.

NR, SJ, EO, and WM x reader imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now