Off limit (NR)

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Third person's POV

"Come on Romanoff." Clint grunts pushing himself off the wall following the Russian assassin. Since they got their mission in Budapest he tried to take her to his safe house but Natasha wouldn't budge. The less she knew about his life the better it was. "I said no Barton."

"You never saw them, I could be lying about them you'll never know if you don't come." He tried to convince her again, she sighs and turn around suddenly. "If I come just once will you stop talking my ears off?"

Clint nods greedily with a childish smile, he had just won. "Be ready in ten then. Meet me at the parking."

Ten minutes later Natasha arrived at the garage with a bag in her hands, Clint opens the trunk of the black car for her. She drops the bag in it and takes a sit in the passenger seat waiting for Clint. "Stop smiling like that, it's one time then you'll be out of my hair."

"Sure, sure thing one time. Laura can't wait to meet you. Y/n is going to lose her shit too, I've been talking about you a lot." He told her driving to his safehouse.

"I can't believe you were dumb enough to have a kid at 18, where's the mom?" She asked curiously she knew Y/n was 21 but he never told her how he ended being a teenage dad. "She bailed on us when the kid was a month old, it only been the two of us until I met Laura a few years ago."

She nods and gets back to watching the outside. A few hours later they finally arrived at his safehouse. He leads her into the house letting her close the door. "Babe I'm home." he great Laura.

"Thought I heard your car." She said coming out of the playroom letting the door open. Natasha stood awkwardly while they hug and kiss each other. Laura pulls away with a warm smile a walks toward the redhead. "Natasha right? I heard so much about you." she said pulling her into a hug.

"Oh uh okay." Natasha tense up in the woman's embrace which makes Laura pull away. Not long after a giggling mess darts into Natasha's legs. "Ew, what's that?" She said looking down to see a little girl hugging her.

"Cliiiint you didn't say you had one of those littles loud things," Natasha said trying to pry her leg away from the little girl. Laura hides a chuckle behind her hand while Clint scoops a four years old boy in his arms. "I have two of them it's called child, well three but Y/n is all grown up."

"Take her off please, she's drooling on my jeans." Natasha complained pushing the little head away with her hand, she hear a feminine giggle behind her then two arms takes Lila away from Nat. "Lila we don't drool on the guests."

"No drool." She repeats nodding, y/n let her down and Lila went to go play with her brother. Natasha looks at the brunette (you're Clint's kid, and they're all brunette thought it would be better that you are too.) in front of her mesmerized. "Romanoff, I'll show you to your room." Clint said heading toward the staircase.

"Don't even think about it." he gritted through his teeth in a low tone. "What I didn't do anything."

"I saw how you looked at y/n." He deadpan opening the guestroom door. "I looked at her normally."

"Yeah right, you check her out like you checked Maria out the day before I catch her naked in your bed." Natasha shrugged and sit on her bed. "She was hot."

"Y/n is a no, Natasha." He told her which makes her hold her hands up innocently. "I won't touch her." He squints at her for a second before nodding.

"So you're scared of toddlers?" He teased her with a smirk, she looks taken aback then scoff. "I'm not she was drooling on me."

"Keep telling yourself that Romanoff."

"It's just she's so small and I'm- my work is to kill people Clint." She opens up a bit.

"Was. Your work was to kill people. You're not that person anymore. You changed a lot these past few years." He told her patting her shoulder. "Come on Laura made her famous lasagna I'm starving."

"You're always starving Barton." Natasha complained following Clint to the dining room. When Clint takes his place the only one free was next to Y/n. "So Y/n tell me, is he as annoying with you that he is with me?" Natasha asked with a smirk toward Clint.

"Sometimes, but eh on the good side he's a cool dad. Could be worse." She shrugged making the corner of Natasha's lips lift in a small smile. They do some small chats for the rest of dinner then Y/n and Natasha clean the dishes while Clint and Laura go to tuck Lila and Cooper in bed.

Y/n splashes some water at Natasha making her gasp. "Tell me you just didn't do that?" She said wiping her face.

"Oh but I did, what you're gonna do about it?" She knew she shouldn't dare a former Russian assassin but whatever she loved some risk. "You're on." Natasha throw the sponge in her face, for the first time in a decade she was finally letting go.

The kitchen quickly turns into a battlefield, water scattered everywhere. Both women dripping wet and laughing. Well, Y/n was laughing. Natasha was smiling biting her lip not letting herself chuckle. "What in the world is happening here?" Clint groaned coming back.

"She started it." Natasha pointed toward Y/n. "And you continued it." The brunette defends herself.

"You should clean this up before Laura comes back." He chuckled.

Of course, one visit change into multiple visits, each time the redhead would be more and more comfortable in the family home. Y/n and Natasha became really good friends, the Russian would tell everything about the missions she just went on. Y/n favorite was the one she did a couple of months ago where Natasha spied on Tony Stark.

Natasha was once again at Clint's house playing with Lila on the floor, they were making puzzles but Natasha was having a hard time finding the purpose of that. "Okay, you get the piece then what ?" She asked Lila who just giggled and take the piece from here.

"It's a puzzle Natasha what you never did one when you were a kid?" Y/n asked chuckling then stop when she saw Natasha frown. "Shit, Nat I'm so sorry I forget for a second."

"It's fine, I uh I need air." Natasha said getting up and leaving the house she sits on the porch's stairs letting out a sigh. She turns around when the door opens behind her, Y/n sits next to her sheepishly. "For what it's worth I'm really sorry."

"No it's fine, you forgetting my past is what I want Y/n. It's just reminded me of my sister. She would always tease me because I didn't know how to do a puzzle." Natasha said letting out a bitter laugh. Y/n tried not to look to surprise at the fact that Natasha had a sister.

"Where is she now?" The brunette asked curiously. "Hopefully somewhere free hating me for abandoning her."

"She won't hate you, you're her sister. Sisters love each other no matter what happens." Y/n reassured her bumping her shoulder, Natasha smiles softly and looks at Y/n in the eyes. "Thank you."

The brunette could see Natasha's eyes traveling between her lips and her eyes. She leans down to kiss the Russian but Natasha decided otherwise and kisses Y/n cheek. "You're amazing Y/n someone else would be lucky to have you. But you're off-limits for me. You're my partner's daughter." She whispered frowning, she kisses the brunette's forehead one last time before getting up and leaving the house.

She couldn't stay here anymore Y/n was too much of a temptation for her. She saw the look of disappointment Y/n sent her, but if it's what it takes to keep her safe so be it.


Who wants a part 2 personally I do.

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