Mission (NR)

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Sometimes life is a bitch, you think everything is good then it comes to stab you in the back. You knew all about that since you're Tony's sister, your parents adopt you when you were a baby. You still don't know why but they did and six months later they died leaving Tony as your only family.

Everyone around you thought he was going to do a shitty job raising you but he taught you everything he knew. He quickly becomes your role model. Obviously, you ended up with his sarcastic side but also his knowledge, intelligence, and his taste in women.

But living as Tony's sister as it's inconveniences like being kidnapped and almost dying. Then creating the first iron man, getting home safe. Creating the best duo of Iron buddies you either saw and finally slowly dying because of what is in your chest supposedly saving your life.

You were currently training with Tony and Happy waiting for the legal to come sign your company over to Pepper. You need to be here because half the company is yours, but being behind an office isn't your thing.

Tony and you were boxing when a beautiful redhead enter the room. You share a look with the woman neither of you looking away until Tony hit you square in the nose. "Fuck off!" You yell holding your nose.

"Ah ah ah language." Tony scolds you with a playful smile drinking from his disgust green thing. "You're a dead man."

He runs out of the ring and you follow him hearing Pepper calling for you to sign away the company. You tackle him to the ground holding him down. "Now says 'I'm sorry Y/n my lovely little sister for punching you in the nose like a traitor.'"

"Never." He was going to push you off him but someone grab your ear pulling you up. "Ow. Ow. Pepper be careful I just pierce them."

"God was it easier when the only thing to do to keep you calm was giving you treats and putting a movie on the tv." She mumbled letting you go and leading you to the redhead. You rub at your ear grumbling under your breath while Tony went back to the ring.

"Hi, I'm Y/n Stark the most charming of the lot obviously." You greet the woman holding your hand out. "Rushman, Natalie Rushman."

"Someone watches too much James Bond." You joked while Pepper sighs next to you. Natalie just looks at you with a small side smile on her face. She hands you the papers and you sign them just in time for Tony to call Natalie on the ring.

"No, you're seriously not gonna ask her-" Pepper started before being cut off by Natalie. "It's no problem." The redhead answers sweetly staring at you intensely to see your reaction but you just shrugged going to the ring.

She follows you to it and you hold the ropes for her. Tony looks at you weirdly but you just ignore him. "Can you uh give her a lesson?" He asked Happy leaving the ring.

"Did you ever box before?" Happy asked Natalie while you watch from the side. "I have, yes"

"What, like, Tae bo? Booty Boot Camp? Crunch? Something like that?" Happy asked clearly belittling the redhead who clears her throat uncomfortably. "Oh man that was sexist I'm gonna beat your ass for that later happy." You said shaking your head.

Natalie looks at you with these beautiful forest green eyes. Happy take this moment to catch Natalie off guard. "Rule number one never take your eye off your opponent-"

The redhead grabs his arm pulling herself up and wrapping her legs around his neck before she drops them both on the mattress choking Happy with her legs. "Welp didn't need to." You mumbled proudly, clapping your hands in respect. While you do it you catch a glimpse of the time on your watch.

"Shit I'm going to be late for school." You rushed around the room to take your things and bring them to your bedroom. "I'll talk to you guys later." You throw over your shoulder running up the stairs.

NR, SJ, EO, and WM x reader imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now