Normality part 2 (WM)

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She left you. Not long after that night, she left you and never came back. The night when Natasha came by your apartment was the last you spent with Wanda in your arms. At first, your girlfriend told you she needed space after everything that happened, you understood and gave it to her.

You still texted each other to check on your partner but a few days later it suddenly stopped. It was three years ago and you couldn't stop thinking about it, was it something that you've done? Weren't you good enough? Did she find someone better? You would've understood if she had broken up with you, it would've hurt a lot less than wondering about all the reasons she left you.

You didn't have a lot of families only a sister that lives about 370 miles (600 kilometers) away from you, and she also had a family of her own. You felt utterly alone and full of pent-up anger that's why you needed to let your feelings out, it started slowly with a fight in a bar. You didn't even start it some dude grab your ass and you lost it, hitting him until he wouldn't get up.

Soon enough you were one of the best in an underground ring fight. Ironic how at day you help save lives but at night you like to destroy someone. After the snap, you stopped going to your job as a nurse to focus on your illegal job at night. That's where you were now, getting your hoodie on with a grimace. The dude got a few hits on you before your knocked him out and now your ribs were killing you.

You get out of the abandoned factory with your duffel bag on your right shoulder but not before collecting the money you gain after tonight's victory. "What do you want." You mumbled once you see the redhead waiting for you leaning on your car.

"I've finally found you." She says pushing herself from your car. "I'm not exactly hiding black widow." You spat her name while throwing your bag on your passenger seat.

"You're not living like before either. It's been hard to locate the fights even harder to know which one you were going to be there." She explained slamming your door shut when you tried to get in. "I need to talk to you."

"I don't have anything to tell you and get your hands off my car." Natasha rolls her eyes but lifts her hands away from the car. Just when you were about to get in your car she blurted out the information that you craved to know and hated yourself for that. "She's one of the dusted."

"Why do you think I care uh? That girl left me years ago I couldn't care less about what she became." You say bitterly lying through your teeth. "I know you love her-" She started.

"Loved. I loved her but you ruined everything. What we had was good, and the minute you knew about it, it went to hell! So don't come here to play the good Samaritan." You exclaimed furiously.

"Wanda made me promise I wouldn't let you ruin your life like that. I came to offer you a job, one where you can still get this anger out by doing good." She offers shrugging in nonchalance.

"And what become one of your avengers, mightiest heroes my ass all you do is destroy people." Natasha's face fell you were getting on her nerves and if she didn't make that promise to Wanda she would've turned her back and walked away from you. "If it's not for her then do it for your family, I know about those nephews of yours."

She didn't register what was happening. One second you were standing a couple of feet away from her the other you were holding her down against the hood of your car. You weren't stupid you know she can easily turn the situation around in a second but she didn't. "Don't fucking talk about them, I have nobody to look up to me they're gone okay?! So your little guilt trip won't work."

"I know how it feels, to finally have your family back and then have them being taken away. I tried I swear I did, I wanted to bring them back but we couldn't we failed." Natasha confesses with such sadness in her eyes that you know it couldn't be faked. "You lost someone too." You exhaled relaxing your hold on her jacket, she doesn't get up immediately preferring to look up at the sky.

"My sister." You slump back on your car beside her looking at the sky, you didn't say anything in answer because you didn't believe in the 'it's going to be ok' bullshit yourself. "All right listen, I need someone by my side with the same want to bring everyone back than me. I'm not doing this for Wanda but for us, we owe it to everyone that isn't here to try."

"I still don't like you." You mumble holding a grudge which makes her chuckle. "Yeah I don't like you either. Wanda didn't leave you by choice three years ago Y/n. They kept it a secret from the public but the avenger had a fallout, we fought against each other break us to a point of no return. Wanda, Steve, Sam, and I went on the run." She started to explain sitting back up on your car.

"For the next two years, the only thing keeping her focus on surviving is you. She came back once, against my judgment, she freak out when she saw how you turned up. In underground fights, unbothered by everything and with this dark look now in your eyes. Wanda thought that it was on her, that she ruined everything she touches including you. After that day she couldn't even look at herself in the mirror, it didn't help that she already thought she was a monster. That girl was in love with you Y/n and doing this to you was killing her, literally." Natasha rambled and you couldn't stop the silent tear that dropped on your cheek.

"I loved her so much." You mumbled wiping your tear off your cheek. "Fine. I'll come but if we can't bring them back I'm leaving and you won't contact me ever again." You agree while getting up from the car, she follows with a victorious smirk.

"Deal. But we'll get them back, whatever it takes. Come on we should take my car I cut your wires in case you did get in your car." The redhead said nonchalantly and started to walk away.

"Oh, by the way, grab me again like you did and you're dead." Natasha warns you but you just shrugged looking at her unimpressed. "You owe me a car." you shot back getting in her car.

"Yeah, yeah I know."

So, it wasn't especially good and I'm sorry. I hope you're all doing great.

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