Thoughts (WM)

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You and Wanda have a special connection. Ever since she came live at the compound with the avenger she took a liking on you. You were one of the only people she would talk to. Vision and Natasha are the two others.

But she like spending her day with you. You knew how she felt about Pietro you too had lost your brother in the battle of New York, that's when you met the avengers.

But it was something else that push her towards you. Even if Natasha and Vision were great people they were too loud sometimes. But you, you were silent, any time of the day and night she didn't hear anything. No loud thoughts nothing.

That's what she likes about you. You would sit in the park near the compound, just being with each other to read or be in peace listening to the sounds around you two. Or you would watch sitcoms in her room without her being interrupted by a flow of thoughts.

"Babe?" You asked closing your book. You two were inside watching Malcolm in the living room. "Hum?" She answered her head laying on your lap.

"What are we?" It makes her stop reading and close her book. "What'd you mean?"

"I mean we are always together, cuddling and holding hands. We gave each other nicknames and we even kiss each other. I can't stop thinking about it you can probably hear it from the other side of the compound."

"I can't." She shakes her head sitting up. "I can't read your thoughts. I mean I could if I wanted, but your thoughts don't pop up in my head as the others do."

"Are you telling me you're staying with me only because it's silent?" You asked a bit unsure. "Yes. I mean no, but yes."

"Nice could have told me before I catch feelings." You said sitting back on the couch with your legs in front of your chest. "No, wait it's not what I'm not using you." She defended herself kneeling next to you on the couch.

"I love being with you because I can learn who you are without getting spoiled by your thoughts. I love how you're so caring for everything especially me. I love how you play with your hands and how you play with my hands. I love how you're not scared of my powers and you prove it by kissing my hands every chance you've got. I love how your love language is touched but you say to everyone that you don't like to be touched. I love everything about you because I love you Y/n." She rambled looking straight into your eyes.

You were taken aback. Your eyes roam across her face to find a trace of lies but none were here. Her smile slowly starts to fade when you didn't answer. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that."

"I love you too." You stopped her from getting up. Pulling Wanda by her neck to kiss her. Your lips touch in a sweet kiss. Wanda puts her hand on your cheek gently stroking it with her thumbs. You pull away breathless.

"Be my girlfriend." She said looking into your eyes. "Please." She adds with a smile.

"Hm, I'm not sure." You teased her which makes her gasp and hit your arm. "Ouch, no need to hit me jeez. Of course Wanda I'll be your girlfriend."

She smiles and takes your lower lip between hers, your hands sneak around her waist and you pull her on your knees. She moans in your mouth and you take this to deepen the kiss. Letting your tongue dance with hers.

"Okay kids we're happy for you but no making out on the couch." A raspy voice says from the kitchen. Wanda abruptly turns her head around looking at Natasha. You groan annoyed by the missing feeling of her lips. "Oh not like you and your sexy sexy commander Hill." You said emphasizing sexy twice, which makes Wanda who had left your lap chuckle.

Natasha sends you a death glare, you knew that if you didn't run away the second that follows you're dead. "Shit Wanda hop on." You ordered turning around, she hop onto your back and you fly away.

You had powers, you could fly and control fire. That's why the avengers kept you close to them after 2012, you had touched Loki's scepter, and they didn't know what could have happened.

You pass the window and make your way to the lake near the compound with a laughing Wanda. This is the first time you see her smile and laugh that much. "Be careful on the landing Y/n."

"Careful is my middle name Honey." Turns out you weren't careful. You just facepalm on the ground with Wanda on your back. "Stop laughing and get off my back." You whined squirming around taking your last bit of dignity.

You both sat under a tree, you between her thighs. Your back on her chest with her arms around your waist. "Wanda?" You asked after a long moment of comfortable silence.

"Hum?" She hummed kissing your cheek. "How does it make you feel not to hear my thought constantly?"

"Like before I went to HYDRA. You know the scepter didn't give me my powers I already had them, but it made them much more powerful. I couldn't hear the thoughts of everyone just the ones of my brother. I thought it was a basic twin thing at the time." She tells you smiling sadly. You nod and take her hands to your mouth kissing them multiple times.

"I'm sorry, I did everything to save him. I'm so sorry I wasn't quick enough." You apologize because you feel guilty about Pietro. "Hey." She sweetly said taking your face and turning it around on her shoulder so you could look at her.

"Someone I know told me that we shouldn't dwell on the past. What happened can't be changed and we have to learn to live like this. This is nobody's fault but Ultron's." She tells you exactly what you told her a couple of weeks after she joined you.

"You think it's safe to go back there now?" You questioned which put a smile on her face. "It was always safe she just wanted to scare you because she wanted the couch."

"How do you know that- oh right mind reading." You sigh getting up. "So how did you progress on your flying lesson? Want to race."

"Loser makes dinner to the winner?" She challenges making you nod. You soon take off racing to the compound. Useless to say the next day you ate a good Sokovian homemade meal.

NR, SJ, EO, and WM x reader imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now