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Quackity, pointing : may I sit there?

Wilbur : that's my lap

Quackity : that doesn't answer my question,

Wilbur :


Quackity, walking in to a room :  sorry I’m late... I was... doing things.

Sounds of running footsteps progressively getting louder

Wilbur, out of breath : HE PUSHED ME DOWN THE FUCKIN’ STAIRS


Quackity, watching the news: someone tried to fight a squid at the aquarium today!

Wilbur, walks in covered with ink : well, maybe the squid was being a dick


Quackity : dating someone you hated before is really weird. like if he needs a kidney, I'll give it to him no questions asked. but if he dares to even touch my charger, I'll send him to hell


Tommy : Rules are made to be broken

Phil : They were made to be followed. Nothing is made to be broken

Tubbo : Uh, piñatas

Ranboo : Glow sticks

Techno : Karate boards

Wilbur : Spaghetti when you have a small pot

Tommy : Rules

Phil :


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