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las nevadas, having some troubles idk-

Quackity : I know a person that could help

Fundy : I hope you know what your doing

Quackity : Siri call daddy

Siri : calling daddy...

Fundy : you still call your dad daddy?

Wilbur, on the phone : what the hell do you want now

Quackity : Well-

Fundy : that's my dad


Quackity, covering Wilburs eyes from behind : guess who??

Wilbur : probably someone beautiful, like Sally

Quackity : wrong! try again, and if you fail

Quackity, in Spanish : Te voy a romper el cuello aquí y ahora (I'll fucking snap you neck here and now)


Wilbur : hey Quackity! did ya know if you smile with your teeth visible, you can't say 'I love you' without you touching lips

Quackity : that doesn't make any sense

Wilbur : you can try it if you don't believe it

Quackity, trying it : I love you

Wilbur, gives a small kiss : luv ya too



Wilbur : Tommy you better go and sleep soon, you already been past your bed time

Tommy : okay, oh and wilbur

Wilbur : yeah

Tommy, really fast : Quackitysimpsaywhat

Wilbur : what?

Tommy, laughing and running to his room


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