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Quackity, trying to reach the top shelf for something : Wilbur, can you help me get this from the top shelf? I can't reach it

Wilbur : so you admit it, you need me in your life?

Quackity :

Quackity : don't provoke me, I'll replace you with a stepping stol


Quackity : -I fucking hate you!

Wilbur : I hate me too, you ain't special

Quackity :


Wilbur : and this is my ex boyfriend, Quackity

Quackity : oh fucking stop introducing me like that! Hi, I'm Quackity and I'm Wilburs husband


Tubbo : do you think Quackity snores? Like in his sleep?

Tommy : I think so?-

Wilbur : he totally does and it's cute

Tubbo : oh okay

Tubbo : wait how the hell do you know?


Ranboo leaving Michael in daycare

Michael : I don't wanna be there, it's boring!

Ranboo : you have too, sorry bud

Michael : no, I'm GAY I CAN'T

Ranboo, sighs : no i'm gay, your five


quackbur incorrect quotesWhere stories live. Discover now