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I'm sadly reporting that I'll not update as much anymore :'( but I will surely do update la here and there, enjoy!!!


Quackity : I want a cat :]

Wilbur : we can't, I'm allergic to furr

Quackity : I have a solution for that

Wilbur : and what is that?

Quackity : one can sleep inside and the other outside

Wilbur : the cat can't sleep outside! what if it rains?

Quackity : who said the cat was sleeping outside?


Wilbur & Quackity about to go to sleep

Wilbur : Quackity, look under the sheets ;)

Quackity : uuuum okaaay?

Quackity, looks : is it what I think it is?

Wilbur, about to die : yes

Quackity, happily : kitty :D

cat, in the most demonic voice : mEeoOwW


Tommy : people always say 'wHy ArE yOu SiNgLe'

Tommy : my reason is that I have a disease called 'I'm fucking better then you'


Tommy, putting two bread slices on each side of everyones face

Tommy : what are you?!

Phil : a fucking father™

Tommy :
Tommy : what are you?!

Techno : I know what I am, but what are you

Tommy : listen here you son of a bitch-
Tommy : what are you?!

Tubbo, crying : an idiot sandwich?

Tommy : yeah! fucking right!


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