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Wilbur : now tell me,

Wilbur : what's your type? tall or short girls

Quackity :

Quackity : men


Quackity : let's play hide and seek

Wilbur : sure, and if I find you let's fuck ;)

Quackity : okay, in case you don't find me ill be in the bedroom


Slime, to Quackity and Wilbur : I think you two are a cute couple! so I'll put you in a boat!

Wilbur : put us in a boat?

Slime : isn't that what humans say when they think two people are cute together?

Quackity : you mean you ship us?

Slime : yes! I ship you two!


there's four types of people when someone is on their way

Phil, goes around them

Tommy : oh pardon me

Techno, pushed them

Wilbur : MOVE I'M GAY


the past

young Tommy : dadza? where do babies come from?

Phil : when mommy and daddy love each other very much a baby will appear :)

the present

Michael : uncle toms! where do babies come from?

Tommy : woman and man have sex, then a baby will be stuck in women pussy until 9 months. then BOOM a baby


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