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Tommy : Big Q, I dare you to kiss the hottest person in this rum

Quackity : um, wilbur?

Wilbur, excited : yesssss?

Quackity : can you move, your blocking the mirror

Tommy :

Wilbur, sob :


Wilbur : Tommy, I'm seeing someone. but.. I'm worried that you won't accept it

Tommy : don't worry, I'll accept it. just say it, how bad could it be??

Wilbur : it's a boy..

Tommy : that's fine, what's his name?

Wilbur, stressed : ...quac-

Tommy : it's bad, it's really bad


Wilbur : hey Quackity, made you a friendship bracelet! :D

Quackity : I prefer to wear jewellerys

Wilbur : you don't have to wear it-

Quackity : nonono, I'm going to wear it forever


Tubbo : it's odd that people kill flys just because they're annoying

Tubbo : if people killed people for being annoying, I would be dead long ago

Ranboo :

Ranboo : am I allowed to kill you now


Ranboo : British people who are depressed like..

Ranboo : ..u.k?


idk if you notice, but this is the 100th quote or 20th ch. and my question is if I even should continue this.

ik yall have been enjoying this but I'm kinda running out of ideas?? so if you have an idea for a quote feel free to message me whenever you want.

and if I should continue this spam comment "QUACKBUR!! uwuwu" or something like that, idk mate.

love y'all 😌😌

quackbur incorrect quotesWhere stories live. Discover now