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Quackity : your remind me of Mexican food

Wilbur : wa? How do i do that??

Quackity : I love Mexican food :)

Quackity, whisper : and you taste amazing ;)

Wilbur :


Wilbur : bisexual ain't hard to understand

Wilbur : girls are hot, guys are hot. What more do you want from me?

Quackity : I want your wallet


Wilbur : you know, when I ever die. I wanna be buried face down

Wilbur : so anyone who didn't like me, can kiss my ass


Wilbur & Quackity driving in a car

GPS : go straight

Quackity & Wilbur : NEVER

Wilbur, drives off a cliff


Wilbur : well, Tommy it's been fun

Tommy : no it fucking hasn't

Wilbur : I think we made a good team

Tommy : no we didn't! It was a complete disaster! People died! You died multiple times!

Wilbur : and I fucking lived bitch


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