A choice

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(Marcy P.O.V.)

The core had full control over my real body. I couldn't move. A few days ago I was possessed by a thing called the core I'm not too able to remember the core's looks fully, but all I knew was nine eyes representing the nine minds. And I was the tenth. I wished I had a chance to free my soul from this torture chamber. Andrias was busy working on something, I had no idea what but I didn't care.

But then I saw a light, a chance, " I've got to get out. I need to get to Anne and the Planters somehow." I said out loud

" Leave if that's what you so annoyingly want. " That voice. It's that thing.

" What? What do you mean? " I asked confused

" I said leave. You're useless anyway. "

Then suddenly I saw a door like object opening, freedom. I ran and ran.


" What? I don't understand why did you grab me? " I asked confused
" Leaving always has a choice don't you know? I thought you were smart. " Said the core with a spine chilling voice " I'll give you two choices. "
" Leave and manage to posses a new body without the heart knowing that it's you and what you've done still hating you for sending her here. "
" To amphibia. " I quietly mumbled to myself.
" Or stay here and wait and wait until heart and strength come to save you from your misery. "
" Answer. Now. "

If I leave I could see Anne and just be happier but be hiding that it's me, just like I hid that I sent her to Amphibia and that I was moving away. But if I stay I will stay in misery but not be hiding anything from Anne and Sasha. I have to get to Anne. I have to. Im desperate at this point. I need freedom from this horrible place. I thought to myself


" I would like to leave. "

Tch I didn't think you were that soft wit. Alright then, get out. "
Then suddenly the door started opening again, a bright light shining through, once again I ran and this time I was actually free fully free.

[Time skip]

I few hours in with searching I figured out how to teleport from rooms in the castle to other worlds. I managed to find earth, but now, I have to find a body.

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